Waking Up

Everything was pink. That was what Rinley first saw when she opened her eyes. Pink curtains, pink ceiling, pink walls, pink bed; there is nothing in the room that isn't pink.

"She's awake, she's finally awake!"

Cries of alarm rang inside the room and the bed was surrounded by rowdy men in an instant—all of them clamoring to know how she is doing.

Rinley felt like she wanted to faint again.

It seems like all of them are assembled here. Her brothers (well, they are actually her cousins), her uncles and clan elders. How is she supposed to interact with them? Should she tell them that their cute little miss here is actually a centuries-year-old uncle inside? That would surely send them into madness!

The crowd parted and the Grand Elder entered carrying an old man by the collar. He glared at the old man and threw him beside the bed. The old man scrambled to inspect the patient's condition.

This old man is precisely the Divine Doctor Mo who previously said that their young miss would wake-up in 2-3 days. Rinley remained unconscious for 10 days sending the Yan clan into furor.

Poor Divine Doctor Mo's prediction is actually correct but Rinley didn't wake-up due to a certain master tampering his disciple's soul. Divine Doctor Mo, who was treated less than a dog by the Yan clan these past few days is very reluctant to speak but the Grand Elder's glare became even fiercer.

"G-Grand Elder, young miss body is fine. But there are changes to her soul," the old man stuttered.

Rinley suddenly froze.

Σ( ° △ °|||)!!!

[What to do? What to do?]

Rinley never thought she would be discovered on the very first day. She knew all well how the Yan clan treated her as a female descendant. She was a precious pearl that everyone from top to bottom of the clan doted upon, in short, a super spoiled brat. But she is actually an old uncle ah... If they knew, would they all burn to rage and feel cheated?

"T-this, we should use a soul-measuring stone to know the changes," Divine Doctor Mo added after he sensed the young miss' body turning rigid.

So it's only a soul-measuring stone. Rinley suddenly relaxed. [Why didn't this old man tell earlier?]

Soul-measuring stones can only perceive the quantity of soul force. They wouldn't know that her current soul has the merger of both souls from her current and previous lifetime without a soul inspection. And without a thorough soul inspection, her uncle soul wouldn't leak out.

If Divine Doctor Mo knew what Rinley is thinking he would definitely cry of injustice!

It's a common knowledge that the young miss of the Yan clan hates pain that's why she hasn't started physical cultivation at the age of five like other descendants of big clans and focused on spiritual cultivation instead, reaching an unprecedented level at a young age. Who would have the guts to make her undergo a mind-numbing soul inspection, especially with all the men of the Yan clan watching him like a prey?

The Grand Elder immediately fished out a soul-measuring stone from his storage ring and headed to Rinley's other side. He took her hand and placed it on her palm.

The other clan members are full envy, they should have also carried a soul-measuring stone in their storage rings! Then wouldn't they be the one standing at their cute princess' side and holding her hand for a second?

However, the next scene rendered them speechless. As Rinley injected a wisp of soul force the soul-measuring stone turned into dust.

Rinley felt smug looking at their faces. Her face plastered with 'Obviously I'm a genius╭(╯^╰)╮'