Extra: Distressed King Yama (2)***

King Yama looked at the person's details again at the Book of Life and Death. Isn't this person male?

Are they really discussing the same person?

He has some guesses but he doesn't want to say them out loud. He decided to try it out first.

He erased the "male" at the gender section and wrote "female."

A blinding light enveloped the book. It was a shocking sight.

King Yama: …

King Yama: *cough* "It looks like only by letting him live as female will he live his life full of luck. Is that okay? [Not just full, it's practically overflowing]

King Yama looked at a certain Deity-level alchemist, waiting for a rebuttal. Which male would like to be reborn as female? That would be a hit to their male pride.

However, he was bound to be disappointed.

After the initial shock, a certain Deity-level alchemist's lips were suddenly smiling from ear to ear, his face was about to split in half. He was already imagining how cuter his Rinrin would become.


Minutes later, King Yama was about to send Rinley's soul to reincarnation.

Certain Deity-level Alchemist: … "Wait wait wait!"

King Yama: …[Is he changing his mind?]

Certain Deity-level Alchemist: "His memories... make it so that he will only remember it before he becomes an immortal."

[Rinley will settle better in that female body without memories as a man. That way, he will truly become a girl and act like a girl] he thought to himself, slowly nodding.

The more he thinks about it, the more it seems like a very good idea! He really is the most understanding master in the world.

King Yama: …