Mother's Past

In her last life, her highest attainment in martial arts was Foundation Establishment. That was because of her weak body. Now he is a half-immortal at the age of eight with soul force too powerful that it couldn't be measured by a regular soul-measuring stone.

Rinley felt that she could finally awash her previous life's mediocrity not minding in the least that her current soul force was a result of a cheat.

The Grand Elder was the first to recover his wits as a smile suddenly emerged from his face.

"There's a larger soul-measuring stone at the main hall. We will measure Rinley's soul force and attributes later. Rinley just woke up, she must be feeling week. All of you should leave Rinley's room now," the Grand Elder said.

The men wanted to protest but they were shooed by the Grand Elder who also ordered the maidservant to bring hot food to Rinley's room.

Finally, the loud bunch left. Rinley felt really awkward now that she has regained her previous life's memories.

Before Rinley could sigh in relief, she heard a loud voice female voice filled with concern.

"Young Miss, you're finally awake!"

A middle-aged woman in a simple dress entered the room with a tray of nutritious food.

In her memory, Rinley remembered her name was Rose. She was originally a maidservant of Rinley's mother, Lily. But because her mother is currently sealed in an ice coffin, she is now serving Rinley.

"Thank you, Aunt Rose," Rinley said as Rose ordered the other servants to put a small table at her desk and put down the food.

"I'm leaving now, take care of Rinley," the Grand Elder finally left after everything was taken care of.

"Yes, Grand Elder," Rose replied.

Thinking of her mother, Rinley thought she is quite pitiful.

Her mother should have lived a life full of happiness like a princess from fairy tales. Like Rinley, her mother was treated as a precious pearl of the Yan clan.

In the Yan Clan's long history she was the only female descendant following the second-generation daughter of the clan founder, who was born tens of thousands of years ago.

However, fate decided to make a joke on her. Her mother's dream was to be a doctor. However, there is no one in the clan with high attainments in medicine or alchemy. If there is anything their clan is known for, it is creating weapons. Their innate fire element and large built is simply perfect for blacksmithing. As for alchemy, another occupation which needed fire, it is simply not appealing to the group of muscular men.

After pleading with the clan elders, her mother decided to go to a school in the Phoenix Realm, where there is a top-tier medical school. She only brought with her three maidservants and a few guards taking up a low-key appearance and totally hiding her identity.

In that distant land, she fell in love with an outstanding young man and like every cliche tragedy love story, she discovered that she is actually a third party! The man has a fiance! To top it off, she discovered she was pregnant.

She tried to distance herself from the man but one day, she was ambushed by cultivators of that man's clan and was chased out from the Phoenix Realm.

She barely survived with the sacrifice of the guards and two maidservants. Out of the three, only Aunt Rose survive carrying her mother, soaked in blood to the Origin Elemental Realm.

Her mother used every last bit of energy to save the child in her womb and fainted. Even with all the rare elixirs and excellent doctors the clan had, her wounds cannot be cured. Finally, she was sealed into an ice coffin after Rinley's birth to prolong her life until a suitable medicine is found.

This matter should have been a secret to her but his first uncle spilled the beans to her when he was drunk. Her first uncle has been bearing so much guilt because apparently, he was the only one who knew her mother's relationship with her father at that time. But chose to be quiet about it after her mother's pleading. Apparently, her mother's cousins and brothers were taking turns to visit her in the Phoenix Realm once a month to know if she's doing alright.

She never met his mother and never experienced motherly love. If she was a really an eight-year-old without memories of her previous lifetime, maybe she will feel something else. Curiosity, longing... but now she only felt melancholy.

Such sad story /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~.

Rinley felt she is not alone in the cheated-by-lover club anymore.