End of Trial (3)

Outside the trial grounds, as soon as Rinley left her master's courtyard, a new name was carved on the uppermost area of the third pillar in blinding gold letters...

'Rinley Yan'

The name brought out a lot of discussion among the crowd.

"Who is that Rinley Yan?"

"You don't know? She is the princess of the Yan clan!"

"They say she is only eight years old and already has half a step to immortal stage cultivation!"


Undoubtedly, Rinley is the star of this year's trial. Even the older members of the clans were envious.

There are only four known ancestor-level powers in the whole Shengda si mainworld. The rest has either left the mainworld or are secluded, not caring about the world's matters. To get an inheritance of such a power, although they cannot be direct disciples, it is considered such great luck.

Since a few hundred years ago, some new rules were added to the four major trial grounds including the mandatory carving of the participant's name if he/she gets a big inheritance. This is to protect participants after the incident where a young cultivator with no significant background was massacred after getting out of the trial grounds. To prevent such loss of good seedling, it became a rule that anyone who actively seeks to harm those with their name carved on the pillars within a hundred years will be punished heavily and become enemies of the whole Origin Elemental Realm. Counting the years, this rule was made after 'Rinley' died.

Poor Rinley does not know her plan to get treasures and dash out without anyone noticing has been faulty from the start.


In another part of Wuxi City, a certain Devil King also got the news and his mouth lifted into an arc. He was now sure, 'she' is the one he is looking for.

The smile made his black-cloaked subordinate shudder. If his lord smiled, it means someone is getting a bad end.

The Devil King noticed his subordinate's reaction and his smile froze.

"When will the trial grounds close?" he coldly asked.

"Today, my Lord..."

"Tell Kelly to get ready, we are going to the gates of the trial grounds."


Meanwhile, Rinley who was about to step out of the trial grounds was very nervous... way more nervous than when she accidentally spoiled her master's medicine experiments or when she stole her master's undergarments to get benefits from one of his avid fans.

She is wearing a fitting white dress with lively pink flower patterns. It has wide sleeves and a dark pink belt. Meanwhile, her hair has a large pink ribbon. Rinley was forced to wear all these by the nine monkeys.

As she stepped out of the gates with her nine cousin-brothers, the crowd gasped in astonishment.

The onlookers can't help but think... how can such a tiny thing like her have such cultivation?

To describe in one word, she looks cute... in two words, very cute. Especially that dazed face she has when she noticed the huge crowd watching her. (⊙o⊙)

On the other hand, a certain Devil King in super stealth mode felt his heart jump seeing that doll-like face.

Its no good, his beloved has such exquisite face, it will surely invite many flies for him to smack. She is still too young right now but it's not harmful to eliminate flies from behind the shadows, right?


Author: Wait, wait, wait, since when did my Rinley become your beloved?

ML: *glares* You've got something to say? ψ(▼へ▼メ)~→

Author: ...Nothing *sweats*


Rinley: Hey, devil guy! Since when did I become your beloved?!

ML: *fawning smile* Of course, baby we were meant to be from the start... (≧◡≦) ♡

Author: *bites handkerchief* QAQ