End of Trial (2)

Rinley's first reaction was to run.

But how can the nine monkeys let her run? In just a few seconds, she felt herself being lifted from the ground by a pair of strong arms. Another pair of arms removed her veiled hat and tore her skin mask to pieces. The hands proceeded to massage her cheeks as if checking if they were real.

Rinley instinctively bowed to hide her face and flailed her feet to escape.

Seeing her distressed appearance, Baihu turned into his real beast form and roared loudly.

The sudden appearance of a gigantic high-level beast awakened not only the monkeys but also Rinley. Rinley felt her feet touching the ground as she regained her thoughts. She felt dizzy due to the loud roar and all the shaking. Baihu's every step left tremors on the ground.

"Stop!!!" she yelled as she saw that the beast's paw was a few inches away from Ryan's head.

Baihu stopped to look at Rinley before going back to his kitten form and jumping back into her arms.

Rinley looked at the nine monkeys who were so shocked their jaws dropped to the ground.

<( ̄^ ̄)> [Hmmp... hmmp... so what if you discovered me? I'm so mighty now, you can't bully me anymore.]

(°ロ°) !

It was Rinley's turn to be shocked.

Although he did not officially bonded with 'Rinley' on their last life. It was pretty much common sense that cultivators can communicate with their tamed beasts through soul link. Baihu was now certain his master had a few loose screws after her reincarnation. He felt very pressured. It looks like he needs to work hard to protect her well or else she might get sold to slavery. And he certainly wouldn't tell her she can create a barrier between them to protect her thoughts.

As the two were talking, the nine monkeys slowly overcame their shock. Ryan was the first to move near Rinley. His back was still filled with cold sweat. None of them were able to react in time earlier, if Rinley didn't stop the beast in time, he would be as flat as pancake.

"*Cough* we need to talk," Ryan said.

"You guys destroyed my disguise!" Rinley uttered in an accusing tone.

"You won't be needing that, everyone already knew..." Ryan immediately answered.


"Yes, everyone... us, the elders... even everyone in the Origin Elemental Realm."

Rinley felt sluggish. Then, what was she acting all sneaky for? She looked at his fifth cousin-brother's victorious face and she felt like she's been had. Her face flushed. Since when did they know?

While her head was floating with all the thinking, the rest of the monkeys sneaked next to her and eight pairs of hands took turns in patting her head and squeezing her cheeks while looking guardedly at the little white animal in Rinley's arms.

Baihu only snorted and hid his face on Rinley's bosom. With their conversation, he already knew the gist of what happened. But who can tell him... in the end, what happened to her master's brain?