End of Trial

At the mention medicinal pills, her master's face changed.

"I have a good news and a bad news, which do you want to hear first?"

" <( ̄ ﹌  ̄)> The bad news!"

"The good news is, I prepared enough medicinal pills for you that will last until you reach the Deity Stage..."

Rinley doesn't like anything he said one bit. [Damn! Why does this feel like a precursor of a bad omen.]

"...thebadnewsistheplaceIputthosepillswhereopenedunnaturallyyouhaveachamceofretrievingalltheothertreasuresexceptforthepills," the said almighty master was very afraid of his little disciple's reaction that he spoke at a very fast pace.

Still, Rinley could get the gist of what he was saying and launched a kick at him angrily.

The great master didn't dare dodge and acted like he was hurt to appease his disciple. [Sure enough, she hasn't changed. She can be slow at everything else but she is unusually sharp when it comes to her treasures and her food.]

"It's your fault! It must have been that statue outside which attracted the bad guys!"

The master didn't say anything. Such handsomeness, it's a waste if he didn't show it to the world as decoration. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

"Which site was opened?"

"The one at Heavenly Firmament Realm!"

"It has the only one with medicinal pills?"


((╬◣﹏◢)) Rinley launched another barrage of kicks like a demon possessed.

"Agh!!! This must be related to that woman!" Rinley can't help but shout in indignation.

"Which woman?"

At that question, Rinley can't help but stop her attacks and look at her master. That handsome face still had a smile but the smile was so cold it that it can freeze burning magma.

"( ̄ヘ ̄) Hmmp! You know who it is!" Rinley put her hands on her hips and looked at those eyes defiantly. "Don't try to change the topic!"

Handsome master: [...Oopps! Busted! Let's try another topic...]

"But why do you need pills? Real geniuses don't need to rely on outside forces."




The simple sentence echoed on Rinley's mind.

"Who needs those pills! I don't need them ╭(╯^╰)╮" she immediately countered.

Baihu who was listening at the side was speechless. Did the reincarnation make his master's mind to that of a child? It was obvious that the shameless man was just goading her.

Meanwhile, the 'shameless' master did not notice anything, He was just happy that Rinley wasn't angry at him anymore.

It was not years later that Baihu would realize the big psychological shadow this so-called 'outside forces' left in Rinley's mind.


Rinley stayed inside her master's courtyard for the duration of the opening of the trial. The spiritual air in the courtyard was very abundant, and with her master present, it is simply a haven for cultivation. Rinley made quite a progress in her external cultivation. Of course, her stay made her master quite joyful.

But in truth, the real reason is, Rinley wanted to avoid the nine monkeys. If she exited too early, what if the nine monkeys are still in the vicinity?

A few days before the closing of the Sacred palace trial grounds, Rinley stealthily left the courtyard. She is back in her black 'hidden guard' outfit, skin mask and veiled bamboo hat. She looked the same as before except for a small white animal on her arms.

However, she was just a few steps away when she heard some footsteps accompanied by a familiar voice.

"Rio... or should a say Rinley?..."

Σ( ° △ °|||)!!!

Rinley involuntarily shivered.