
On the cold night walking in the dark was a shadow though unclear had a sharp and handsome face and slowly the moon light falls on his face which is covered in blood he then saw a small house and tries to crawl his way to it and gets closer to it he crawl's to the door but can't open it and collapses at his last moments he hears a girl's cry and closes his eyes accepting his death and his soul begins to fade away but when he was at deaths door he sees a dim light and goes near it but as he goes near it the light begins to suck him in, he tries to free himself but couldn't and falls into it.

At the same time in a faraway kingdom in the royal palace the king is walking worriedly outside a room.

A moment later a woman came out of the room and bowes to the king he asks impatiently "what happened is my wife alright how is the baby".

The servant answers "your majesty, the queen has given birth to a healthy boy and both mother and child are fine".

The king heaves a sigh of relief "can I see them now".

The servant smiles "of course your majesty".

The king then opens the door and sees a women holding a child and goes over and looks at the women and then at the child he turns to the woman "Mia he has your eyes".

Mia turns to her husband "Noah he has your handsome face".

Noah laugh's sits next to his wife on the other hand the baby is making a confused face.

'where am I who are these people'.

He looks at the man and woman who's looks at him affectionately.

He was a hunter in the forest and hunted deers and chopped wood for a living when he was hunting he came across a bear and ran so he can escape but the bear ran after him and it swinged it's large arms at him he crashed into a rock and was gravely injured when the bear was giving it's final blow there was rumbling in the skies and purple lightning struck the bear and it was instantly killed and when it was over the gravely injured man was left with silence and couldn't believe what happened but he had very less time he knew that even though the bear died he had been gravely injured but he wanted to atleast see his daughter before he died.

He slithered his way towards his hut to see her remembering a distant past, even though she was not his blood he still remembered the day a beautiful lady with a sword peircing her heart was found in the middle of the forest she was holding a baby in her Bossom she looked at the hunter and was surprised she reached out and called him over, he unsure if he should go near her and hesitated but saw the baby and slowly moved near, the lady said to him with extremely soft voice.

"what is your name".

"I'm a hunter in this forest I don't have a name I was a orphan and was I came to this forest so that I can hunt deer and sell wood to survive".

She then looked at him carefully and said "I cannot live for long I want you to take care of this baby when I die".

He looked at her wound and he to was sure that she would die she was Pierced through the heart even those legendary immortals cannot survive a injury like this he said.

"rest in peace I will look after her".

She looked at the baby one last time before she took out two gauntlets which looked extremely precious there was dragons curved into them and was like they were roaring at the heavens she told him.

"You have the soul of a true dragon which is extremely pure but have the body of a human I don't know how this is possible dragons are the most powerful of all the races in existence and have ruled and protected all the races no one would ever face a dragon and come out alive".

She then passed the gauntlet to the hunter

"this is the most precious treasure of the dragon race I found this in a tomb but it can only be used by the dragon race consider this as my gift to you I don't have anything but this maybe it was fate that led here I hope you can use it someday maybe we will meet again in the future".

The hunter having heard her didn't understand anything but when he was about to ask her he noticed that she was not breathing he took the baby buried the lady's body and prayed for her before leaving.

After reminiscing the past he had stronger urge to live thinking of his daughter who was in the hut but he knew that he was going to die as he was gravely injured all he can think of was his daughter.

When the hut was in view he crawled even faster and screamed when his daughter heard him she ran to him.

"Father what happened?!" when she saw the state of her father her heart hurt.

But it was too late as he saw his daughter his hearts desire was fulfilled and he took his last breath.

Currently he was lying in the arm of Mia as Noah watched suddenly the eye's of the king saw something on the

Arms of his newborn son as he looked carefully he saw dragons circle his son's arm he was shocked and looked at his wife as she also looked at him.

"What is this?! Why is it in my son's arm" she said.

The emperor calmed his wife"Mia calm down I will consult the grand elder he will know what it is and it is not harming our son so I don't think that it is anything bad".

As he said this she calmed down

"Is it really harmless".

"Don't worry even if it is harmful he is the son of the dragon emperor he is strong and will not be done in by something this insignificant".

He said while laughing.

"So have you thought of a name for our son".

Mia looked at her son and said.

"yes his name will be leo".

Noah hearing this nodded his head.

"a strong name he will be a great warrior in the future".

As leo(now has a name) heard this he felt warm but what surprised him is that the dragons in his arm is the Same as that of the gauntlet and he couldn't believe that he was reincarnated into the dragon emperor's son.

'could it be something related to the gauntlet'.

As he said that he was overcome by exhaustion and went to sleep.