Happy family

leo woke up to see his mother sleeping beside him when he looked at her he felt something that he thought he would never feel a sense of security and peace since in his last life he was a orphan he never knew his parents as long as he can remember.

he had to look after himself when he was a baby he was last at a orphanage where he had to work and do chores to fill his stomach but that to barely and when he was five he was kicked out because he was to weak and couldn't do any job available at the time, he scavenged for food in the trash and leftovers and survived for 10 years.

when he was fifteen or sixteen he knew that he couldn't survive with the limited food he gets from scavenging so he took what little money he had by selling scrap metal and reusable things and bought a bow and made himself arrows from wooden branches and started hunting at first he didn't catch any pray but slowly he started getting better and he finally caught a deer, he took the meat and stored what he can eat and sold the skin and extra meat he was finally self sufficient and thought that he will spend the rest of his life like this, that was until he found the dying women in the forest where he adopted his daughter remembering her he couldn't help but feel sadness.

'pearl,I hope you are fine I didn't want you to ever feel alone like me but seems like it's out of my control I don't know if I will ever see you but you will always be my daughter'.

all that he can do is hope that she would be fine and someday he would meet her, he named her as pearl because she was as pure and white as one the only thing that was perfect in this impure world, As a ray of hope that one day the world would become brighter even if a little just like how she became his ray of hope that he finally found a place where he was loved and where he felt a sense of belonging.

Now here he was as a baby with what he once most longed for, a loving mother and father he could feel their love for him he may have been a grown man in his past life but he never experienced something like this where in his past life it was common to stomp on the weak.

Mia opened her eyes and saw beautiful green eyes the same shade as her own stare at her own and saw her baby she got up and took him in her arms.

Mia "I see you finally decided to wake up sleepy head" she said lovingly.

Noah walks into the room sees the mother and child and smiles.

Noah "mia my parents are here to see their grandchild".

Mia "ok, I will be there first I have to feed leo, he looks tired".

Noah "I don't think that I can hold them for much longer though".

Mia "I will be there in a second and don't forget that we have to keep the gauntlet a secret".

Noah "I know don't worry".

Noah walked out of the room after which shortly Mia joined him when Mia came out of the room carrying leo a energetic man who looked to be in his thirties quickly ran over.

???"I finally get to see my grandson!" said the man trying to take leo from Mia.

Mia "dad, calm down your going to hurt leo" avoiding his attempt to take leo when someone came and grabbed the man's ear pulling it.

??? "Liam, what did I say when we got here!".

Liam "to be calm and not to be too energetic" said in a sad voice the women pulling his ray is his wife Carla.

Carla "And what did you do".

Liam "I became too excited" said while rubbing his ear.

Carla "l'm sorry Mia this idiot is just to happy".

Mia "it's okey mom we all are happy".

Carla "so this is the new addition to the family" Carla took leo while Liam looked as if a thief robbed him off all his treasures.

Liam "hey I want to hold my grandson too".

Carla "well I'll give him to you afterwards then" Carla said while lovingly gazing at leo.

Liam "come on I will be very careful".

Carla sighed "fine but if even a hair on him falls while you're holding him then you'll be sleeping alone for a month" Liam nodded repeatedly when Noah finally decided to step in.

Noah "mom don't worry to much dad is just happy but he'll be careful and leo is my son he wouldn't be hurt by something so simple".

Liam "yes he is my grandson after all".

Carla "you two idiots if it weren't for me and Mia would probably be always fighting having muscle for brains".

Liam and Noah embarrassed looked away while Mia was laughing.

Liam "come on we're not that bad".

Carla "you are that bad, when we were young I had to kiss you to show that I liked you".

Mia "well I had to come out and say that I liked him when we were young"said laughing.

Noah "hey, I was still the one who asked you out".

Mia "yeah but on our first date you asked me to spar with you" deadpanned.

Noah "well I wanted to see how strong you were" said embarrassed.

Carla "hope that leo doesn't take after these two idiots and become dense" said giving leo to Liam.

Liam "don't worry leo here will take after his grandpa and be a lady killer maybe more then his old man" said looking into his grandsons eyes.

leo looked at the interaction between the family and smiled at the close relationship they have and that he was a part of the happy family.