Phoenix's First Mission

It was already quarter past midnight when Wang YuVin woke up.

He had fallen asleep hours ago while waiting for the time to pass by.

He stood up from the chesterfield sofa and walked towards the side table.

He then reached out for his fully recharged phone.

He was about to call Wang Reiji when he noticed an unread message and ten missed calls. All from the same person.

He then read the message.


From: Gianna

Young Master, I'm on my way to Safe Haven. I'm bringing your school documents with me.


Wang YuVin's forehead wrinkled. When did Gianna send this text? He immediately searched for the time stamp.

Time sent: 11:45 pm

Wang YuVin then glanced at his phone, it's already 12:15 am. He hurriedly went inside the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After he was finished taking shower, he walked towards the walkin closet. He put on his boxer shorts and black jeans. He donned a plain slim-fit white t-shirt and wore his white sneakers. To complete his look, he side combed his hair.

Before he left the VIP room, he took a quick glance at the sleeping Europa. Then he grabbed his black denim leather jacket from the coat stand on his way out.

Halfway through the VIP lounge, his phone rang.

"Young Master, I am waiting inside the lounge." Gianna said sweetly.

"Okay, Im on my way. " Wang YuVin said, then he ended the call.

Few moments later he was already inside the VIP lounge. He scanned the place with his eyes and saw the woman with a strawberry blonde hair at the corner of the room.

She was sipping her drink when he approached her. When Gianna noticed him, she quickly stood up to greet him.

Wang YuVin nodded his head and signalled Gianna to sit down.

"Young Master. Here are the documents. Just tell me when you want to leave. I will make the necessary preparations." Gianna said as she handed the documents to Wang YuVin.

"Thanks, Gianna. I'll send you an email later. Anyway I have to head back now. Europa's alone inside the VIP room." Wang YuVin said in a clear but worried voice.

"No problem young master. " Gianna said with a sweet smile.

Wang YuVin smiled back before he turned around and went out the lounge.


Wang Reiji had just finished sending Hanzo an email.

The email contains the list of gadgets she will use for her future missions.

Yes, future missions. Wang Reiji's planning to stir up some trouble for Zhang Chenric and the Prosecutor's office. In this way, Zhang Chenric would need to focus more on his tasks than deal with her.

She's confident that her plan will work. Of course, Zhang Chenric takes great pride in his job. It's his top priority, nothing else.

Wang Reiji commenced her plan. She turned on her super laptop and started exploiting the office's computer network. She worked her way to the system's weakness which allowed her to compromise Zhang Chenric's computer.

She was able to stealthily lodge a rootkit¹ inside one of Zhang Chenric's files. She put her headset on before she activated the built-in microphone of his office computer.

The moment she turned on the computer mic she heard the sound of keyboard typing.

Zhang Chenric's in front of his computer!

Wang Reiji smirked as she continue exploiting his computer by typing codes that will grant her remote access.

In a matter of seconds, Wang Reiji had already gained full access to Zhang Chenric's computer. She can now edit and erase his files.

She started thinking of silly ways to embarass him.

'Should I access a porn site while he's discussing something important to a colleague? Or maybe I should fill his desktop with lots of female nude pics... hmm I think male nude pics are perfect.'

She was enjoying herself when she heard a knock. Not from her office door but from Zhang Chenric's.

"Come in." Zhang Chenric said in an authorative voice.

"Young master, I got a possible lead on the Pínqiông Village fire five years ago. It was not an accident. Here are the documents."

Zhang Chenric's face darkened.

"Bring them to my house. Place them inside my steel cabinet. Also make sure noone would know about this."

"Understood, Young Master."

Wang Reiji was stupefied.

"T-the fire that happened five years ago was not an accident? It was not an accident?!" She growled while yanking off her headset.

Wang Reiji stood up as she slammed her hands on the table. All these years have they been living a lie?

The investigators told them that it was an accident. That there's no foul play. That nobody should be held accountable for the death of YuVin's parents, her godparents.

Wang Reiji clenched her fist. There's only one way to find out.

Tonight, her first mission as phoenix... obtain the documents from Zhang Chenric.


¹ rootkit- computer software that allows a person to gain access or ctrl to someone's computer.