No Damsel In Distress

Wang YuVin just entered inside their room in Safe Haven.

He placed the documents Gianna gave him on the table. He then sat on the side of the bed, clasped his hands, and lowered his head down.

He sighed deeply and started contemplating.

They are good to go. He only needs to tell Gianna when.

Actually, he's excited. But he was also scared.

However, it's too late to back down now. The wheels of fate were already turning. And he's not yet strong enough to stop them or shift their course where he wants them to.

He can just only do his best to survive. This time not only for himself but also for his sister and niece.

Thinking about his sister, he promptly remembered the thing he should have done hours ago...

Call his sister to clear the confusion caused by Europa after sending an incomplete text message.

Before calling her, he decided to send a message first, asking if it is fine to call at this time.

Wang YuVin was in the middle of typing his message when Wang Reiji called him herself.

He answered his sister's call right away.

"Bro... "

He felt his heart skipped a beat when he noticed the tone of her voice.

It sounded heavy as if there's something weighing down her shoulders - something like a burden.

He begun to feel worried. He quickly mustered all his courage to ask her why.

"Sis? What's wrong?"

"Please come here soon. Please... I-I can't tell you the details yet... But please you need to come to Beijing the soonest. " Wang Reiji said in a low, rasping voice.

Wang YuVin's line became silent. His sister's words hit him like a bucket of cold water.

Something is wrong. Definitely, something major was bothering his sister. What could it be... or rather who could it be?

Wang YuVin closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His sister needs him. Of course he'll rush to her side.

"Okay sis, since I already have our school documents with me, Europa and I can fly to Beijing first thing in the morning. Don't worry, by tomorrow evening we're already there." Wang YuVin said in a soft assuring voice.

"Thank you, bro! " Wang Reiji's voice finally lighten up.

"But please promise me, once we get there, you will tell me everything that's bothering you, okay?"

"Hmmm actually, I can tell you one now. uhmm Bro, hmmmmm d-do you... Ermmmm do you really swing that way? " There was a sudden shift in the mood. Wang Reiji's voice somewhat sounded excited and disappointed at the same time.

Wang YuVin's face turned red from embarassment. His sister's manly image of him was indeed ruined!

"About that sis, I don't swing that way. I am a straight man. The text message you received was incomplete. Europa sent it to you while I'm inside the comfort room."

"Oh, okay... but the message stated that Rong's your husband?" Wang Reiji asked seemingly unconvinced.

"He's my husband in an online game we both play. We met through Reign of Violence." Wang YuVin said without batting his eyes.

"So, the game allows same s3x marriage?" Wang Reiji asked in an amused voice.

Wang YuVin facepalmed himself before taking a deep breath.

"Sis, my toon in the game is a girl. Europa chose that for me. Rong and I wed our toons for the sake of rewards not because we're in a romantic relationship."

"Oh! I see." Wang Reiji's voice sounded full of relief.

On the other line, Wang YuVin felt relieved as well. Finally, he was able to save his image from eternal destruction.

"Anyway, it's already late there. You better sleep now. Leave the preparations to us."

"Thanks, sis. See you soon."

As soon as the phone call ended, Wang Reiji summoned her assistant RenTao to her office.

"RenTao, coordinate with Gianna about YuVin and Europa's departure. Be discreet with the preparations. "

"As you wish, boss. Would there be anything else?"

"Good thing you asked. I want you to investigate something for me. Dig information about the burning of Pínqiông Village five years ago. Investigate every aspect, interview possible witnesses, and also take note of the local officials during that time. Make sure to gather reliable information." Wang Reiji said while sitting on her swivel chair, facing the office window.

"I will not fail you, boss." RenTao said while bowing his head down.

"I'll count on you then. You may leave now."

Wang Reiji's gorgeous face darkened. She can't just rely on the documents gathered by Zhang Chenric's assistant.

If she really wishes to know the truth, she must also conduct her own investigation.

She was still in deep thought when she heard the loud beeping sound from the printer.

She picked up the paper. It's a copy of Zhang Chenric's bachelor pad design!

Now that she has the floor plan, she examined it.

She must familiarize herself with the entry points and possible exit points.She must also do something about the CCTVs.

Wang Reiji busied herself creating a flawless plan that she didn't notice the time.

It was almost 6pm.

In an hour or two, a show is about to start. But this time, she's no damsel in distress. She's the source of distress!