No need to verify

Wang Reiji's slow and shallow breaths pummeled with her heart beat as her consciousness drifted in to dreamland where a fragment of her memory suddenly started playing inside her head.

"Oi, Xing Yin! Are you sure your plan is gonna work? Let's not make trouble for ourselves!"

"Oi , Yang Mei! Are you really my friend? How about you trust me more?" Wang Reiji was busy prepping herself in front of a life size mirror inside her walk-in closet while her best friend was sitting on her bed, impatiently waiting for her.

"You just have to wait and see! Even Detective Di Renjie won't even see through my disguise!" Wang Reiji giggled as she donned a pair of oversize white cat ears eyeglasses to finish her get up. Her smile broadened as she scanned herself from head to foot and felt overly satisfied with her look.

She wore a gray off-shoulder V-neck cross sweater paired with a black high waist pencil skirt. Her hair which she usually let loose, was tightly pulled into a bun. She also wore make up and tinted her lips with a bright red lipstick in contrast to her usual bare face.

"Huh! Even my ancestors won't recognize me!" Wang Reijie said proudly. She then marched out of her closet, eager to see the surprise look on her best friend's face.

As soon as she was in the closet door, she paused, stood up straight, shoulders back, core in, and chest out. She then asked, "How do I look?"

It took a second or two for Yang Mei's brain to process the scene before her eyes. Even she knew that the person in front of her was her best friend, she can't help but stare at her in awe, wondering if she was admiring Xing Yin's beauty or she wanted to look like her. Unfortunately, she was originally born a male, thus she didn't possess the natural charm of a female species.

"Hey, Yang Mei-Kao! Don't tell me you are starting to get attracted to me? Too late my dear! You already have your mighty sword cut!" Wang Reiji grinned at Yang Mei, teasing her a bit.

"Ewww! I was just admiring your beauty, stop putting malice to it!" Yang Mei grimaced at the grinning woman in front of her. If she wasn't friends with her for a very long time she would love to strangle this vulgar female species and imprint some decency in her.

"Hahaha! What a hot headed chick! You're not being cute at all, Mei-Mei!" Wang Reiji ignored her friend's words and wore her newly bought black suede ankle boots.

"Maybe we should not push through with this, let us find another way." Yang Mei spoke, anxiety was evident on her face.

"Whaaaaatttttt?! After all the preparations we went through? You want us to back down now?"Wang Reiji crowed as she stared into Yang Mei's eyes, appalled.

"Okay, let's try to be logical here! I'll admit, you definitely nailed the look. BUT! How about the attitude? Can you really pull such feat?" Yang Mei huffed as she placed her arms across her chest.

"Of course I can! I am proud of my acting skills!" Wang Reiji replied quickly.

"See! That's exactly I am talking about! Your haughty pride is all over the place. You can't just go there, display yourself, and expect the problem to be solved and not care about the possible repercussions." Yang Mei's tone and expression suddenly became serious.

Sensing her friend was not in her usual playful mood, Wang Reiji slowly walked toward her bed, sat down and gently rested her head on Yang Mei's shoulder.

"I want you to be happy. I know how badly you want to become a lawyer. I will support that dream of yours. Besides, what's to be afraid of when I already incurred the wrath of your entire clan when I paid for your operation anyway?"

Yang Mei abruptly raised her shoulders, tossing Wang Reiji's face away from her.

"You! Don't tell me you are just helping to become a lawyer so that I can repay you when I become successful?!"

"Wow! You are really smart, Atty. Yang Mei!" Wang Reiji chuckled as Yang Mei hit her with a pillow.

"Thank you, Yin. I thought you only have big boobs and ass. You also have a big heart too." Yang Mei smiled warmly as she tightly embraced her friend.

"How can you sound sweet and disgusting at the same time?"Wang Reiji asked as she hugged her friend back.

"Of course, my mentor is an expert."

As soon as the best friends' drama was over, they hurriedly drove toward Yang Mei's university. Their plan was to make Yang Mei pass the final stage of the student exchange program which required an interview with any member of the applicant's family. However, since the Yang clan had already turned their back at her, this final stage became a major obstacle. And the only solution they have in mind was to find a person who will post as a member of Yang Mei's family. Initially, they opted to hire a con artist, but dismissed the idea later on due to safety reasons.

"You ready, sister?" Yang Mei halted her steps, her voice almost tremble from too much nervousness.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? Geez, Mei-Mei! Act natural!" Wang Reiji discreetly reminded her friend.

The two of them began walking toward the waiting area again. As soon as they reached their destination, they sat on one of the couches. It didn't take long for a university staff to approach them.

"Excuse me, are you here for the interview?" A woman in her mid 30s politely asked.

"Yes. My cousin Yang Mei's interview is today." Wang Reiji swiftly replied.

The face of the staff suddenly paled, seemingly hesitant to tell them the bad news.

"I regret to inform you but the last slot for the student exchange program was already reserved for General Prosecutor Zhang's son."

"WHAT?!" The two yelled in unison.

(End of dream)

"Damn it! Using his father's influence to secure the spot?! I am gonna whip that cheater's ass!"

Wang Reiji mumbled to herself while her eyes were tightly shut, still unaware that she was not on her bed but inside Qin Sho's car. When her hands wandered around to blindly search for her daughter's warmth she realized that her soft fluffy body wasn'f there, so she suddenly jolted and woke up from her sleep.

The moment she opened her eyes, she felt a stinging pain on the sides of her head. The pain made her want to roll over her bed to find comfort in her soft cotton bed sheet. The moment her palms came in contact with the car's leather seat cover, realization hit her hard like a speeding bus.

She was not on her bed but inside a car she was not familiar with. She didn't feel any hostility towards the people in the car though.

'Where am I?' Wang Reiji silently asked herself, still clueless that her head was resting on a man's lap.

She was about to rise up when she heard Bai Wufei spoke.

"Apologies, CEO Qin. I failed to protect you and CEO Wang from ill mannered people."

"It's not your fault, besides you are a secretary not a bodyguard. Also, there are a lot of people inside that bar. You can't possibly take down all those recording the scene. Anyway, make sure to remove all the circulating video for this night's fiasco."

Wang Reiji almost fell from the car seat when she got hold of the situation. Despite her aching head, things seemed clearer now. She was able to recall the incident inside the bar and she also remembered how Qin Sho carried her in his arms as they escaped the crowded the bar. And to make things more embarrassing ,she was using his lap as her pillow!

Wang Reiji's face promptly burned red in shame. She should have called her brother to come over the bar to accompany her. But because of her carelessness and being unmindful of the possible repercussions of her actions, she was now facing a dilemma.

Should she wake up or pretend that she was still in a deep slumber?

Wang Reiji then carefully thought it over. After a silent argument with herself, she decided to fake her sleep.


Wang Yuvin's footsteps sounded the hallway as enmity welled up inside him. His aura exuded a suffocating animosity ready to burn down the person who deserved it. As he reached the main entrance of the mansion, he saw a guard rushing toward his direction with worry plastered all over his face. He glanced at the gasping guy as his heart beat a little faster both from irritation and anger.

"Mr. Wang, the guy claiming to be Prosecutor Zhang Chenric just left." Seemingly exhausted from sprinting, the guard still managed to deliver the information.

Hearing that the target of his rage had already left, Wang Yuvin stood frozen, the animosity surrounding him faded to a chilling atmosphere. The guard who had just caught his breath suddenly felt his heart froze just by looking at his boss.

"We tried to tell him to wait a little bit more but he said he had other things to do. But before he left, he gave us CEO Wang's mobile phone." The guard added, trying his best to keep his hands from trembling as he handed over the object to Wang Yuvin.

"Are you sure the guy really left the vicinity?" Wang Yuvin's intuition was telling him otherwise.

"Yes, sir. The guards posted in gate A had confirmed the car's departure."

"I see. By the way, the next time that guy pays a visit, I want you to deny him access, never let him in no matter what."

Wang Yuvin paused momentarily before he continued, "You may now go back to your post."

He said as he turned his back from the guard. When he was about to take a step away from the entrance, the two way radio inside the guard's pocket produced sound.

"Alpha elite, this is Bravo1. Another car wants to get in, plate number is F-9Q765. There are four people inside. The man sitting at the backseat claimed he is the CEO of Dragon Claw Enterprise, CEO Qin Sho. He also said that CEO Wang is the woman sleeping inside the car. Help us verify their identities and let us know if we must deny them access or not, over."

Before the guard can open his mouth to answer his colleague, Wang Yuvin who was now looking at his direction spoke.

"Let them in. No need to verify." Wang Yuvin ordered the guard.

The guard slight nodded his head before he spoke on the radio, "Bravo1, identity confirmed. Let them pass. Over and out."

As soon as the person from the other line had replied, Wang Yuvin decided to stay in the entrance and wait for his sister, unknowing that this simple act will become his greatest regret in the days to come.