Are you constipated?

Europa patiently waited for Ai and Bai to disappear in the hallway. As soon as she was certain that the twin sisters were already in the lower floor of their mansion, she stealthily began to tiptoe her way. When she was about to reach the last step of the stairs, she heard her uncle Yuvin's voice. Europa then halted and listened intently to what he was saying.

"Ai, prepare some snacks and drinks for CEO Qin and his companions. Bai, prepare a warm bath for my sister." Wang Yuvin instructed the twins.

"Prepare a bath for my mama?" Europa wasn't able to hold her excitement when she heard her uncle mentioned her mother.

"Mama is here? Is she in our room?" The little girl said as she run toward her uncle.

"Hello there, sweetie. Your mother is almost here. Do you want us to wait for her?" Wang Yuvin knelt down on one knee to meet Europa's gaze.

"I want to help sister Bai prepare mama's warm bath!" Europa answered, seemingly excited for the task.

"Cool, that's so sweet of you. Go ahead, help sister Bai with the preparation." Wang Yuvin lovingly pat Europa's head.

"Okay, Uncle! Don't forget to tell mama I am helping sister Bai prepare her warm bath." Europa said as she walked toward Bai and pulled her hand, gesturing the lady to come with her upstairs.

Bai and Europa then went up and headed to Wang Reiji's room. When they were already inside, Bai directed herself to the bathroom to rinse the tub. Europa then immediately followed her.

"You're such a nice girl, Little Miss. Your family is lucky to have you!" Bai complimented Europa, bringing a wonderful smile on the girl's face.

"Thank you, sister Bai!" Europa said as she got nearer the tub.

"Oh, hang on. We need to wear gloves first." Bai then took out some pair of gloves from the storage.

Bai lips twitched as she realized that the gloves were too big for Europa. She then quickly thought of a different task for the little girl.

"Oh no! The gloves are too big for your hands. It will be hard for you to hold the sponge. Hmmm... How about you prepare a new set of clean clothes for your mother to wear after her bath?"

Europa went silent for a while before she nodded her head and said, "Okay, I can do that sister Bai!"

The little girl then went outside the bathroom and marched toward her mother's walk in closet.

Half way across the room, she noticed Misha circling around a certain spot on the floor. Curious, the little girl approached her pet and was surprised when it suddenly stop moving and stared under the bed.

"What's the matter, Misha? Are you constipated?" Worried, the little girl slowly picked the cat up and gave it a rub.

"Let's go to sister Bai, maybe she can help you." Europa then carried Misha in her arms, unaware that a person was hiding under the bed, silently observing her.

"Oh, what happened to Misha?" Bai put down the sponge and removed her gloves as she took Misha from Europa's arms.

"I don't know. I just saw her circling around the floor and staring under the bed." Europa quickly replied, still worried over Misha's unusual behavior.

"What's wrong with Misha, sister Bai?" The little girl added.

"I can't tell, Little Miss. I am no cat expert and my knowledge about them is very limited. Please forgive me." Bai then put Misha down the bathroom floor.

Europa's face crumpled as she looked at Bai's eyes, silently pleading for her to do something.

"Alright, alright. I think Misha saw something under the bed. Let's check it out." Bai was about to step her foot outside the bathroom when Europa stopped her.

"I am scared, sister Bai. What if Misha saw a monster? What if there's a monster hiding under our bed?!" Europa's heart started thumping loudly against her chest.

"There's no such thing as monster, Little Miss. And don't worry, Sister Bai will protect you!" Bai said with a wide smile before taking out two knife daggers she concealed in each of the white lace garter she was wearing.

"Before we check what's under the bed, I need you to listen to me carefully." Bai's tone became serious.

"Okay, Sister Bai." Europa seemed to have relaxed a bit.

"I want you to stay inside the bathroom with Misha. Do not go outside unless I say so, okay?"

Europa nodded her head as she pick Misha up and embraced it tightly.

"That's a good girl." Bai said as she walked outside and locked the bathroom door.

Bai took a deep breath before she slowly moved toward the side of the bed. But instead of bending down to see what's underneath, she dropped one of her daggers and kicked it with a force strong enough to send the dagger to the other side.

She then rolled on top of the bed to get to where her dagger had landed. Kneeling down, she saw nothing below the bed. She was about to go back to the bathroom when she felt a pair of eyes observing her from the closet, she didn't feel any killing intent though. Still, just to be sure that her mind wasn't playing tricks on her, she threw a knife dagger towards the gap between the door closet and the frame. She heard the dagger fell down the floor but she also saw a shadow moved away from the closet door.

Someone's inside the closet! Whatever was hiding below the bed earlier had now moved inside the closet.

Bai wasted no time and ran to the bathroom to get to Europa. She hurriedly pick the girl up and carried her in her arms.

"Little Miss, let's go down for a while, there's a big mouse inside your mother's closet!" Bai lied to Europa.

"Yikes! Why is there a mouse? Is my mother's closet dirty?" Europa asked in curiosity as she wrap her arms around Bai's neck.

"Ah,I don't know. Let's go down first!" Bai said as she dashed out of the bathroom and headed straight outside Wang Reiji's room.