Talk of the town

It was quarter past midnight when Xing Airlines' 25th-year celebration ended. Everyone who attended the party had a good time most especially those who were lucky enough to win in raffle prizes.

Though Xing Yin didn't win any prize at all, she still enjoyed the night, thanks to the delicious food the chef at the hotel served them and to the son of Chairman Han who stood them up. The chairman's son for whatever reason didn't show up at the party. Because of what his son did, the chairman kept apologizing to CEO Xing. But since CEO Xing liked the chairman's son for his daughter, he turned a blind eye to it and told him that it wasn't a big deal at all.

As soon as the two businessmen had finished saying farewell to each other they went on their separate ways.

As Xing Yin waited for her father to get inside the car, her father was also waiting for her to step inside the same car.

"Get in." CEO Xing said as he held the door open for his only child.