A Stalker

Dumbfounded and completely unaware of what stunt Zhang Chenric was trying to pull, Xing Yin just stared at his palm and ignored his invitation to handshake. She hurriedly called for the waiter instead and asked for the shop's menu.

"You ill-mannered brat!" Zhang Chenric said loudly as he forcefully grabbed Xing Yin's hand and held it against his.

"Listen, when someone introduced himself and offered his hand to you, be courteous enough to introduce yourself and accept his handshake." Zhang Chenric then squeezed Xing Yin's palm.

"Oww! It hurts! Let go of my hand." Xing Yin cried not because Zhang Chenric held her hand tightly. Rather, it was because of the tingly sensation she felt when Zhang Chenric's hand touched hers.