Wang Villa Part 2

Halting in front of the indoor garden, Wang Yuvin was excited to open the door to see his niece who was probably playing with her pet on the other side. He then hurriedly reached out for the doorknob. Just when he was about to turn it open, the door moved by itself and an energetic Europa carrying Misha in her arms marched out of the door.

"Uncle! Welcome home!" Delighted and surprised, the little girl rushed to Wang Yuvin and threw herself into his arms with Misha being slightly squeezed between the two of them.As Wang Yuvin lifted his niece up, the little girl noticed that there were two familiar looking people behind her uncle. Was there an occasion? She then done on her sweetest smile and greeted the guests right away.

"Chairman Xu! Sister Beautiful! Welcome to our house." Europa said as she warmly welcomed the visitors when her eyes landed upon them.