Wang Villa Part 3

Seeing an unfamiliar SUV parked not far from the mansion's driveway, Wang Reiji understood that Wang Yuvin and his guests were already inside and were probably waiting for her arrival. 

'Let's just hope that the old man inside is more of a friend and not a potential enemy.' Wang Reiji told herself as her grip on the steering wheel tightened. Truthfully, she did not want any outsiders inside their property especially inside the house. But how can she say no to her younger brother to whom she promised support? 

Pressing the gas pedal, Wang Reiji made a quick turn and halted in front of the mansion's main entrance door. She inhaled deeply as her fingers slowly move to unbuckle the seatbelt. Just when she had completely freed herself and was ready to get off the car, the soft buzzing sound from her phone delayed her from getting out.