Common Origin Story

"What about the Boojay Family?"

"The Boojay Family is an entirely different case from the Adelaide Mercenary Company, sir." Minister Shederin Purnesse calmly responded as he picked up a tea cup and sipped his specially brewed melange. "Did you know that the Boojays used to be Terran?"

The spices of his brew wafted over to the noses of Ves and Calabast, allowing them to enjoy a scent that harkened to a more exotic human culture.

Ves raised his eyebrow at what he heard, but that was the extent of his reaction. "Terran, huh? Well, our clan has a distant relation to the New Rubarth Empire. In fact, if you look deep enough in the past, then practically every human in the Milky Way and the Red Ocean has a relation to the ancient humans who lived on Old Earth. Having a connection to the oldest human state isn't that special these days. Let me guess, the Boojays were exiled from the Terran Confederation, right?"