Flawed Investment

Though there was much about the Boojay Family that Ves liked, he did not embrace them right away.

Every group came with its fair share of problems and complications. The Aidelaide Third Fleet had its flaws and the Boojay Family should be no exception.

When Ves asked his two advisors to list the possible downsides to letting the Boojay Family join the Golden Skull Alliance, he received plenty of points of concern.

Calabast started first by explaining the conclusion she had drawn from analyzing the behavioral patterns of the current subject.

"The Boojays are clearly uncomfortable with the life of a pioneer. They are unaccustomed to the high degree of uncertainty, the fast-changing environment, the frequent and ubiquitous conflicts and the lack of territory to fall back upon. What they seek from the Golden Skull Alliance is an easy ride to success, and not necessarily a life of hardship. They won't take losses well."