The deal and the job

Worrying something that already done, will not bring anything better. John put aside his worries and just hopes his friend will not let him down. Besides, his friend already promises to make a monthly report on the progress of the search.

And now is the time when he should give him the monthly report.

John is anxiously going to the usual bar where the meeting was set up. Although he already arrives early, his friend already there, waiting for him.

"Oh…Brother Ding, I thought I arrive early, but you already here before. Have you waiting for me for too long?"

"Not really, I also just arrive a couple of minutes ago. Please order something to accompany our discussion later"

John orders his usual drink and after his order delivered, the discussion starts.

"So, how's the progress, brother Ding?"

Ding Wei makes a difficult expression before he starts to explain his report

"The truth is, I make a mistake when I accept your order, brother John"

"Mistake? What do you mean, bro?"

"Listen, after I do some consultation with experts on medical fields, I just realize that a woman's heart and man's heart slightly different. Man's heart is bigger which makes woman recipient can only accept heart donor from a woman also. I see the one who needs the heart is young woman, right? That makes searching becomes more difficult. Initially, I thought any heart can do, man or woman doesn't matter, but after that consultation, which proves me wrong, I must redo the search to female convict only. And unfortunately, their number is not as much as a male convict"

John's feeling dejected, his only hope to his friend to find the suitable donor for his young miss seems will also vanish.

"Is there something you can do, bro?"

"Calm down, I just explain the difficulties of your request, bro. I didn't say I can't find it"

"Ah right…please continue, bro"

"Well, besides I must redo the search to female convict only, I also start to search on juvenile convict since I heard from the expert that I do the consultation, that male's heart on the younger age also can be used for a female since they do not fully grow up yet. That makes me must expand my search, which takes more times and resources"

"Do you need additional fund, bro?"

John is not a newbie in business worlds, he knows tricks that scammers did to get more money from their victims. He's suspecting his friend also will do the same trick to him.

"Not necessarily. I already receive the fund and it's still sufficient for the search. Don't worry, I'm not trying to scam my friend, alright. I do my business with trust"

John secretly feels relieved.

"Don't misunderstanding, bro…I just ask if the fund is not sufficient. If that happens, please tell me about that"

"It's not the fund that not sufficient…I'm afraid the time is not sufficient. That's why I'm afraid I can't deliver the good within 6 months"

"As long as not exceeded 1 year, that's still acceptable, bro"

"Okay…I will ask one condition for this request, the secrecy of the sources and method I use to obtain the good. It would be better if you never ask how I obtained the good"

"Alright, that's not a problem, as long as I get the good for my miss, I won't ask anything about that"

"Great…that's mean we still work together, right?"

"Of course….I rely on you in this case, bro"

"And I will do my best to not disappoint you, bro"


Both of them continue with their drink and talk another trivial matter before they concluded their meeting and separate on their way back.

Meanwhile, on Richard's side….

"Hey, Rich…I heard you looking for a job?"

"That's right, brother Huang. Our job in this construction site is almost finished, that's mean I must look for another job again"

"Have you found the job already?"

Richard currently talking with his co-workers called Huang, a resident in Hong Kong, on the construction site where they working at. They're at lunch break and Richard uses this opportunity to get info about the job from his working colleagues. He already asked some of them if they had info about free-lance job around the city which no need for working permit since Richard didn't have any.

"Not yet…it's hard to find a job with no working permit like me"

"Hmm…I have one, but the place is not a commonplace. If you feel not sure about the place, you don't have to apply for the job there"

"Let me see the place, bro. Where is that place?"

"It's a bar in Wan Chai district. They need a person who can do miscellaneous works in a bar, and they didn't concern whether the worker has a working permit or not. I heard many of your fellow country folks also work there"

Richard interest piqued when heard many of his country folks also work there.

"What kind of miscellaneous works is that, bro?"

"You know…like moving crates, clean up the mess, washing glasses and dishes alike"

"Oh, that's not a hard thing to do. I'll check the place later. Thanks for the info, bro"

"Ah, if you really want to take the job, please don't distract with 'chicken' and 'duck' or even 'goose' there"

Richard tilted his head when hearing this weird term that Huang just mentioned.

"Chicken? Duck? What is that bro Huang?"

"Eh? You don't know Wan Chai district is?"

"I only know the place from the map. I haven't got a chance to go there actually"

"I see…hey come closer, I do not feel comfortable talking about this with a loud voice"

"Huh? Okay…"

Richard shifts his seat closer to Huang and listens to what Huang said with low voices

"Listen, Rich…Wan Chai district is a red-light district, the term 'chicken' refers to the prostitute and 'duck' refers to the gigolo, and 'goose' is a gay gigolo. I see you as a good and honest person, so I told you before that place is not a commonplace. I don't want you fell into some prostitute or become a gigolo or become a target by a goose if you work in such place"

Richard's face is getting red after he knows what 'chicken' and 'duck' meaning. He even feels goosebump when hearing about the term 'goose'.

"Ah…is that so. I understand now, thanks for the warning. I will take that job if I do not get any job in other places"

"Yes, that's better. Oh, that foreman already yells to start working again, let's go"

Their conversation stops when their foreman shouting to his subordinates to start working again because the lunch breaks are already over.