Goblin Scouting Party -2

The hatchet goblin saw the dead goblin on the ground and raised his hand to do a signal for the archer goblin to see. The archer goblin understood the signal and decisively climb a nearby tree for a better vantage point on the lookout for the enemy.

"These goblins are not stupid at all, aren't goblins in the fairy tales to be said as dumb and ugly who only know the language of brute force?" Sen thought to himself.

"The Cave Goblins are a sub race of the main Goblin race, a subspecies and theoretically a variant to the Orcs in the Middle Age Plane. Their constitution are sub par compared to the main goblin race but their intelligence complemented for it due to their need to survive the tricky conditions of their underground cave dwellings. Hence, this sub race hierarchy structure was able to mimic the Orcs more than the main goblin race which relied on just a single leader." The system spoke in a cold but gleeful voice, assuming she will answer Sen questions.

Sen did not bother too much but appreciated the extra information. With the new intelligence, he aimed the archer goblin which has a vantage point instead of the hatchet wielding goblin. He felt that if he took a shot against the hatchet wielding goblin, he will move in the elevated thicket.

This might have the chance of catching the archer goblin's attention as opposed to the goblin which is currently moving around the ground to see who has killed the dagger goblin.

Sweat trickles down his neck, his palms are a little sweaty but with the Heart of the Mongoose ability, Sen felt alive. He took a deep breath, aim his sights at the archer goblin and took his shot!


The poor archer goblin did not know what hit it and started gasping for air. The shock made him unstable at the top of the branch and Sen hoped that Mister Gravity will assist him to achieve his kill. He knew he was not confident to get a headshot but a torso shot was a sure hit especially when the target was stationary.

Sen quickly reload his bolt mechanism and tried to find the last goblin. Little did he know the goblin heard the sound and saw the smoke that came out from rifle. It finally knew where his enemy was and quickly dash towards the elevated thicket.

"Shit, is he gonna climb his way up to him? How is that even possible?!" Sen's body reacted despite the thoughts he had and pulled the trigger towards the goblin.


It missed! The goblin was getting closer and fast! Sen seem to panic a little despite having the Heart of the Mongoose ability. He quickly cocked his rifle and prepared to take another shot thinking it still have some advantage of height against the goblin.

However, he underestimated the goblin! It actually threw his hatchet towards Sen and the axe head landed onto Sen's left shoulder. He was not quick enough to react to evade from the attack. Sen shouted in pain from the impact of the axe head, while the goblin took a high jump and started clawing his way up the elevated slope.

It wants revenge but it was more interested in the treasure that human was carrying. That loud sound it emits can kill a goblin nearly instantly. The goblin leader will be very pleased with that treasure.

Fear creeps onto Sen again as the pain starts to seep in. "No, I cannot die here, I cannot die here!!" Sen tried to control his fear by turning it to rage. The goblin managed to clawed his way up, hoping to get a glance of the human hunter so it can see the horrors on his face.

Little did it know that a rifle butt welcomed his presence at the top of the elevated thicket instead. The goblin was a little stun from the surprise attack but it managed to grip and hold onto the slope. After it shake his head to recover from the minor stun, something cold was gently pressed to his head.


The point blank shot created such a great impact that the frontal part of the skull was exposed immediately. Blood and bits of bone were splattered everywhere. The goblin was trembling a little before it finally came to a halt and lifelessly rolled down the slope.

After Sen confirmed all three red dots on the mini map had disappeared, he sat down on the slope, breathing heavily and looked at his injury. To his amazement, the axe head slowly but surely was being pushed out of his body and wounds start to heal at an extraordinary pace.

There was not even a scar left on his body and he was able to breath normally. Sen assumed this is the partially due to the effect of the system for completing the mission.

"Congratulations! User have completed the first mission. Three Fate Crystals are now rewarded to you. One chance for the Saviour Lottery has been unlocked. Do you wish to partake the lottery?"

"Use it." Sen was intrigued and commanded the system.

"Commencing Saviour Lottery. User please turn the handle." The system created a plain wooden Pentagon shaped box with a small hole at one of the side of the pentagon box. It was standing upright with a handle attached to the centre of the box.

Despite it appearing out of nowhere and floating in midair, Sen was able to turn the lottery machine with ease. Sounds of miniature balls moving inside the lottery machine and Sen continues to turn it until a purple ball appeared and dropped on to a tray beside the lottery machine.

"Congratulations User! You will receive the following rewards: Unlimited Ammo Clip, Axolotl Regeneration."

"Unlimited Ammo Clip is an upgrade for your rifle weapon. It possessed a bottomless amount of ammo, allowing you to not reload at all. It had been automatically equipped to your current weapon and cannot be used for any other weapons. Your weapon is now retrievable via the Saviour System Inventory Box whenever you need to use it."

"Axolotl Regeneration: Axolotl are known for the capability to regenerate broken limbs and even its own heart again. You gained the ability to recover what you lost at considerable rate. Do note that the wondrous Saviour System will still heal you completely once you fulfilled the mission objectives."


Days to Apocalypse: 2050

Name: Haruyuki Sen

Age: 17

Strength: 1

Dexterity: 1.1

Constitution: 1

Willpower: 2

Magic: 0


Heart of the Mongoose Level 1

Axolotl Regeneration Level 1


Zinger Rifle [Additional Upgrades Possible] : Unlimited Ammo Clip

System Comments: Still a sissy. Please work hard to be the Saviour of this world before the start of Apocalypse.
