Prisoners of War

Sen was amazed by the two rewards he had received. "Isn't all these abilities consider cheating in real life?" Having a weapon that does not need to reload and not worrying about ammunition reduce the burden of any soldier.

Not only that, he will be able to regenerate broken limbs or recover from wounds like the previous attack with his new ability Axolotl Regeneration. However, he does not know the extent of the regeneration ability. If he lost an arm as compared to a finger, how long will it take to grow back?

With much consideration, he decided to be extra cautious in future fights despite having such an ability. It's true that he will be able to recover from major injuries but getting hurt was not a joking matter too. The pain was real and he could not forget about that.

He carefully observed his stat window again and noticed there were a few minor changes. "My dexterity improved by 0.1? System, is this part of the reward" Sen asked.

"The User has the capability to improve himself to achieve a stronger state of mind and body by performing certain actions or surviving encounters. The improvement will be permanent. Hitting a certain threshold for a particular attribute will provide bonus."

Sen was elated, does that mean hard work can now finally pay off? He also noticed something else and continued to ask the system. "I thought I had 2049 days, did the system make a mistake in the stat screen?"

"The goblins that you killed would supposed to find a new piece of equipment which impacted future conflicts. Killing them indirectly bought you a day of extra time towards Apocalypse."

"Does that mean I can theoretically end the Apocalypse prematurely before it actually starts?"

"No, Apocalypse will come."

Sen sighed at the response of the system and switch off his stat screen. The weapon that he was holding disappeared and an inventory list appeared in front of him, indicating the three fate crystals in the one of the slot and his Zinger rifle.

His finger pressed onto the inventory list in front of him and a Fate Crystal materialised. It was not the first time he saw a Fate Crystal since there was a human sized Fate Crystal embedded in his village as a defensive shield barrier that covers the whole village due to the war.

However, this Fate Crystal he was holding glowed peach white and emits a powerful yet serene aura. The human sized Fate Crystal back home pales in comparison when compared to the former. It emitted no aura and was grayish brown in colour.

"System, are there different kind of Fate crystals? The one I knew had a totally different feeling from this."

"Fate Crystals only differs in purity and element. The stronger the purity, the stronger the aura it emits and such crystals contained an immensely high concentration of power. The various colours each Fate Crystal emit corresponds to the type of element energy.

The crystals that the brilliant Saviour System provides are of a high purity grade and the element it contained is the All Element. In addition, the grade of Fate Crystals that the system provide can unlock the potential of magic easily and does not provide any disadvantage of learning any elements of magic.

"Due to the nature of All Element energy, it does not provide any special affinity which specific energy Fate Crystals can unlock. The Fate Crystals obtained by the system can also be used in the Saviour Store. Due to the level of User, this feature has not been unlocked."

"So...when can I unlock this Saviour Store?"

"User, please work hard-"

"Yes okay, I understand. Work hard, work hard." Sen rolled his eyes a little and sighed.

"Perhaps I should keep these crystals first and wait for the feature to be unlocked. Then I could get a superior improvement at one go." Sen admired the Fate Crystals a little before the environment starts to flicker again. Sen returned the crystals back to the inventory list and hid himself in the thicket.

The stench of blood was stronger, the smell of charred wood was everywhere. Sen found himself back to 'reality' and it was not the best time to return. The Black Monarch troops were rounding up survivors to bring back as prisoners of war. Rumours stated that they preferred capturing people if possible than to kill for they need the manpower for their developments. Sen looked with disgust at the way they treat their prisoners of war.

The PoWs were held in heavy chains and wore an inward spiked neck collar. The Black Monarch troops were kicking and punching people to fall in line. Sen had the strong urge to rush in and save these PoWs but he know he was powerless by himself for now.

He knows that despite having new powers he received from the System, Sen cannot overpower tens of armed trained troops. As he was examining the process, he found that Feng was one of the prisoners as well! He was chained up and collared but instead of walking, he was in a huge iron cage with other similarly injured personnel.


"New Mission issued to User"


Mission 2: Rescue at least 20 prisoners in four days. How can you be a Saviour after watching such a cruel scene. Do some action! Some deaths are unavoidable in a skirmish but additional rewards will be given if you are able to not let any prisoner die.

Additional Objectives: Save Feng.

Rewards: 5 Fate Crystals and One chance at the Saviour Lottery

Additional Objective Completion: Feng's Character Sheet.


Sen smirked after looking at the system mission requirements. His smile grinned wide. "You do not have to tell me after seeing Feng still alive. I will definitely save Feng. Definitely."