The Cheapskate Saviour and the Princess

Captain Rogers understood what that sound was. It was a sound of retreat from afar and all the goblins will have to compel to it because of one factor. The Goblin King issued that particular trumpet of command. Rogers could not understand why all this had happened.

Princess Zelanie was disguised as a caravan merchant with a small convoy of guards to conduct a secret political meeting with the neighbouring allies. As they arrived on the day itself, the village got invaded by small squads of goblins which was not an issue to the Village Guard.

The attacks subsequently got intense due to the intrusion of a medium sized group of goblins, amounting to near fifty odd monsters including the mountain troll came crashing into the village. While they wished to flee the area, The Royal Guards do not have a choice but to obey Princess Zelanie's order and desire to defend the village.

She herself participated in the fight killing several but two goblins managed to gang up on her, causing her to be caught off guard and received a stab wound. She eventually killed the two of them but later succumbed to her wounds.

Captain Rogers was nearby and managed to fend off the other goblins which try to take the opportunity to pounce on her. He also shouted for the Royal Guard's medic but he was not around the vicinity. It later took some time for the medic to appear and by then her injury became more detrimental.

The medic managed to temporarily paused the bleeding with a few restorative salves but it was insufficient for her recovery.

Seeing the goblins retreated, Sen slowly pilot the Strider towards the Royal guards. Both Feng and Raizan was panting heavily and sat down to have a rest before the next wave if it ever appears.

"That damn Sen, had it easy with the mobile walker." Feng commented. "Hahaha, if we are back to where we were, I am going to not make life easy for him."

Raizan casted a minor water spell and a sphere of water swirls around his palm. He put it closer to his mouth to drink some of it and later offered some to Feng as a refreshment too.

"I thought mages awoken only to a single element?" Feng scooped some water and drank it.

"I am not just a mage, but a talented one." Raizan said as if it was a fact.

Feng kept quiet and gulped down the mouthful of water with much force and took more of it from the sphere to wash his face and wounds a little. Although he felt wore out from the lack of sleep from the past two days of travel, he had never been more alive.

The injured shoulder he had incurred due to the bullet shot from the previous skirmish was mended by the powers he had received from Sen although the scar of it was still visible. However, that scar was nothing compared to the new flesh cuts he acquired from fighting the goblins.

He looked at his hammer and remembered the hardship he gone through with his master before he was gone. He was kept in the dark that he was actually being trained the foundations of the battlesmith art.

Was he too incompetent that his master went off or did his master got into trouble? All he could do now was to thank the master and Sen this chance to be a real Battlesmith. Meanwhile, the rifles which both Feng and Raizan were using started to fade and disappear. "Huh, only thirty minutes had pass? It felt like I was fighting for hours."

"It usually the adrenaline rush we experienced that made our perception of time felt slower. In any case, let's move towards the centre and get Sen's rifle again...or perhaps you can can replicate the mobile walker?"

Raizan remarked as he stood up and walked towards the centre where Sen seem to be negotiating with the guards. "Well, I am surprised they understood our language considering we are of a different place." He thought to himself.

"I have no idea, maybe I can try replicating his walker but I doubt the duration of the replication will be long since the larger the object, the harder for it to stay replicated." Feng replied. He knew what he meant, as a small status screen appeared in front of him to review his skills. Feng assumed this again this was also part of Sen's unique magical ability.


Name: Lee Feng

Profession: Battlesmith (Junior)


- Copy

- Strengthen

- Weaken

Weapon: Hammer of the 8th Council Mason.


There were descriptions of the skills if he wishes to review them so he knew the extent of his abilities.


Sen held onto his rifle on one hand and a first aid kit from the other which was in the Strider. He was fairly astonished by how well equipped the system gave for the Strider's interior. He then hopped down from Strider and walked towards the guards.

The guards were grateful to the 'warlock' which gave them a saving grace when they thought all hope was lost. However, he was still a warlock and they do not know whether he had an ulterior motive. He might be clearing his competition so he can capture the princess. Regardless, Captain Rogers took the initiative to speak despite the wariness of the whole guard.

"Thank you, honoured Sir for assisting us with the goblins. The Royal Guards will reward you when everything had been settled." Rogers was startled that the warlock he saw was in a set of clothings which seem foreign to him. In addition, he had no armour equipped on him but just a small metallic white box and the stick of death that killed many goblins.

"I believed someone is injured and I might be able to help a little." Sen did not knew the armoured individuals were knights. He could not care with the current circumstances and all he know is that he need to save the princess before he fails the objective.

"Sorry Honoured Sir, I am afraid I am unable to do that." Rogers took a defending stance immediately.

"Look, from what I can see, she looked like she is not going to survive even though your doctor is trying his utmost best. I might not be able to help much but it could probable improve her odds a little." Sen hoisted his rifle behind his back to show that he want to help.

"Cap, let him help, I am nearly at my wits end too." The guard medic was sweating profusely.

"Honour Sir.. then please save...her. The princess is dear to all of us. But if you cannot save her, I am afraid we have to end your life too." Captain Rogers needed a better explanation and more convincible scapegoat to the King if Princess Zelanie really did die. How embarrassing it will be to report that she died for late treatment of her wounds and the heads of everyone in this particular trip will be off the guillotine board.

"Fine by me, but I will say yet again I might able to help a little. Do not expect much. Besides, I think you all will be killed by my teammates if I died." Sen casually commented. Captain Rogers anxiety increased. He had forgotten the existence of the other two warlocks.

Sen ignored the captain and the guards gave way for him to check on the princess condition. It indeed looked severe. The wound was still gaping and some blood still oozes from the area. He then opened the medical box to see what was inside. The standard items were inside the first aid kit but there was indeed nothing much that can help her survive unless she was being operated on.

"System, any way to save the princess? I can pay with my fate crystals."

"Yes, please hold as the system analyses the target." After a few seconds, the system replied with the following. "User, the target has suffered an angled right ventricular stab wound causing her right lower lobe lung to be damaged and subjected for lung collapse."

"The blunt force trauma caused additional injury to the liver as well. The previous treatment gave by her previous physician did nothing to the primary cause but ease the bleeding of the liver. A pulmonary embolism occurred due to the time passed caused by the stab wound in her. Patient lost consciousness due to the major loss of blood as well. There are a few methods for saving her.

1- Removing the pulmonary embolism and restore her lungs. Remove the excess blood. Liver damage retained but not life threatening. User have to close the wound by himself. Estimated survival rate: 48%. Not recommended unless there is a doctor attending to her for the weeks of recovery (1 Fate Crystal)

2- The same as option one but liver will be repaired as well. Wound closing provided. Estimated survival rate: 60% Least recommended option. (3 Fate Crystals)

3- Same as option two in additional to the following. Provide appropriate blood supply into her body and repair the damaged brain cells due to the state of unconsciousness. (4 Fate Crystals) Estimated survival rate: 95% Recommended Option.

4- Same as option three in additional to the following. Strengthen and reinforce her existing lungs and liver, giving her superhuman capability in terms of breathing and stamina. The blood nourished with various nanocells which can allow her to turn even younger and beautiful. The wound will disappear completely. Patient will be awaken from her unconscious state. (6 Fate Crystals) Estimated survival rate: 140% Most recommended Option.

As stated, the system recommends option four as it will improve the quality of life for the target as well."

"SIX CRYSTALS?! Why would I even do that? Those were hard earned crystals and that's all I have! System, are you cheating me?" Sen was shouting in his mind but to the guards that surrounded him, he had a serious look when he was observing the wound.

"The system is not a cheat. Its technology is patented and a higher rate should have been charged. The system took into consideration of the current amount the User had and gave User a very, very generous discount."

"You have no remorse. Anyways, as long as she survives, I complete the mission objective, does it really matter that much if she later became beautiful or have better stamina. The guards gave me the impression that they view me as much as a threat as the goblins"

"User, being a miser is not an attribute befitting the name of a Saviour. The system does not recommend it. User, Imagine people calling your Sen, the cheapskate saviour."

"System, you are so ruthless for wanting your fate crystal back. FINE! You win, I shall choose option four." Sen cried in his heart, as he saw imaginary wings growing on his crystals flying away.

"Option Four selected, please search the bottom of the medical box for a black box The black box contains a syringe with the described effects of option four. " Sen took a look at the first aid kit again and saw there was a hidden mechanism that appeared at the center of the box.

He removed the rest of the items and placed it on the removable lid of the box to prevent them from getting dirty. He click the mechanism of the box and it revealed the compartment inside the box. The compartment was sprouting cold air as if there was a miniature freezer in it. He opened the box and a metallic looking syringe was in it.

"User, place the syringe nozzle near the user's wound and press the piston down. The effect should be instantaneous." Sen did what the system said.

In seconds, Princess Zelanie complexion turned from pale looking to rose like. Her features indeed turned more defined. The wound closes by itself and she slowly opened her eyes to see the guards surrounding her in astonishment. She gradually got up with the help of the guard medic and saw Sen packing everything back to his medical box.

"Are you the one who save me from the clutches of death?" Zelanie cough a little due to dryness of mouth. The medic quickly offered her a leather skin bottle of water to drink.

"Does she have to that dramatic?" Sen thought to himself. "Get up, we have other problems to worry about."

Another trumpet sound echoed throughout the whole village. This time, the sound was accompanied with a faint sense of bloodlust.