The Goblin King

A goblin was panting with a injured arm that was bleeding profusely. It seem that a bullet strayed and hit him as he was running away. In front of him was a Goblin Commander with a group of staunch goblin warriors with scrapped shields and swords.

The warriors did not made any noise and the discipline was unusually high for a goblin. The commander stared at the injured goblin and signaled it to follow. As they were walking through the massive ranks of goblins, it saw various monsters along the way.

Large Hobgoblins, spear goblins on wolves, archer goblins and even goblins with metal armour. Finally, it saw the Goblin King and it quickly kneeled down. The King sneered a little and the puny goblin immediately reported what it saw.

It explained that they were initially winning the whole town until a trio of humans with wooden sticks that blew fire and metal that killed many of them. One of the humans even called upon the skies and brought thunder to kill the mountain troll which was supposed to be one of their the trump card. The goblin flee later. The King looked at it again and with a raised of a finger, the goblin commander cut the head of the goblin down.

"Hmm, sound the call of retreat. Let them have their last respite and we will crush them come dawn. Take the village as our new base with their women and children as our slaves.

I cannot believe the ambush team could not conquer such a small village. They even lost a fucking troll which we bargained so hard for." The king growled in a low voice to the commander.

"Bring me one of those wooden stick and if possible capture the man which called thunder down." The king paused a little and said. "Kill him if he is too much of a nuisance."


As the sun rises, the sound of the war reverberated. Sen can see that the massive blob of red dots in the mini map starting to get organised. Feng took this opportunity to try and replicate the Strider. To his surprise, he was able to do so but it exerted a lot of energy in him.

Another two striders appeared in front of the whole group. Princess Zelanie and the Royal Guards were bewildered by it, how can such a metal abomination appeared out of nowhere. The more they saw the miracles these trio made, the more they felt it was inappropriate to call them warlocks.

To their knowledge, the warlocks they knew were not able to call thunder down, to create these metal giants spiders or have sticks of death. The warlocks they knew were only able to do minor curses and are mostly deranged. It felt like the trio were more than humans and it was reassuring to know they were at humanity's side.

"Feng, Major Raizan. We do not have much time. There is an entire army of goblins that wished to terrorise this place." Sen spoke urgently as he held onto Feng after he replicates the striders.

"Hmm, this is serious trouble, their numbers range from two hundred to nearly five hundred. There could even be more behind the woods. This town is technically lost, we should retreat Sen. No use fighting a losing battle." Raizan casted the Superior Identification on his eyes to check on the situation.

"Major Raizan, I afraid we can't. I do not have time to give you the details but the survival of this town links to our town." Sen tried to lied a little. "Inter-plane conflict?" Raizan surprised Sen with his knowledge and Sen continued with that lie. "Yes, I believed so. If this area is gone we might be in deep trouble back in our plane."

"Perhaps, this is possibly why Colonel Bao was assigned to come this area. Did the Seers see something like this coming? " Raizan rubbed his chin a little before interrupted by Feng.

"Guys, the mobile walkers I replicated can only last for ten minutes and counting." He picked a couple of swords from the dead, did a slight knock on all of them before passing to the rest.

He also took Sen's rifle and made two copies again. Raizan and Sen grabbed their rifles and swords respectively. "The swords have been imbued with a sharper edge and the rifles' attack and penetrating abilities should increase respectively." Feng wiped the sweat away and started climbing his replicated Strider.

"Alright, let's quickly board the walkers, the controls are extremely simple, I assured you can have fun slaughtering those mini bastards." Sen started to climb on his Strider but a sweet alluring voice was heard from his back.

"Honoured Sir, then what do we have to do?" Princess Zelanie asked Sen in a tone that seem slightly desperate.

"Nothing, get out of this village town as soon as possible. The goblin armies are vast and I do not have the intention to save you again. It was costly." Sen turned a little rude. He do not have time to waste.

"I am staying here to protect the rest of the villagers." She blushed a little but her face was resolute as she tied her unkempt brown hair into ponytail to put a helmet on.

"My lady, listen to the Honoured Sir for once. We should leave this place. Your life is important!"

Captain Rogers pleaded Princess Zelanie.

"My decision is final. Build a barricade in the Village Hall, arm the every villager young or old with the weapons of the dead here. If they want their town back, they have to fight for it." Zelanie commanded and turned her head back to the Sen. "May I have your name, Honour Sir for saving my life."

"Sen." He continued to ignored her and opened his cockpit.

"Stay alive, Sir Sen. I will reward you properly if you can protect this village from the armies." Zelanie continued to stare at the silhouette of Sen going into the metal spider and the spider suddenly sprang to life.

"Hey Sen, seems like this situation had a silver lining. Someone finally likes you." Feng chuckled in his intercom.

"Ah, shut it." Sen was a little embarrassed. "Sen, If you do not want her, you can always pass it to me. I have money, status and looks." Raizan laughed.

"Major, I did not know you can joke quite well."

"Oh Sen, I am piloting in a futuristic machine which I highly doubt is the work of Black Monarch with two people that has magical abilities that is not known or already lost in our course of history while fighting against folklore monsters.

This is like a military scientist's wet dream. If I do not treat you as my friends but as mere comrades of our useless army, I am not Takashi Raizan! In any case, Haruyuki Sen, your orders. I believe you should know what the army is doing via your magical powers"

"Sir, yes Sir. The goblin army should be done with their formations soon. You two can climb to the top of the houses here and here and start bombarding their troops at this particular coordinates." The system told Sen that the replicated striders have the ability to share information via their consoles.

A map appeared in front of each of their individual consoles but were updated live when Sen pointed the coordinates. Raizan was yet again amazed by the technology and wished to take this machine apart to explore its mechanics if possible. However, this is not the time and he listened intently while driving the strider to the appointed position.

"While both of you are bombarding, I will try to circle round and climb the mountain route so that I can bombard their sides and dive the strider into their core formation to create a mass diversion. Major, do you have any mass area spells? " Sen queried.

"Ah, the spell is experimental but I can give it a shot. It should be able to create much destruction but after which I will be out of juice, I would not be able to move at all."

"That is not a very good idea, I suggest we strike at the heart of the army." Feng suggested while his strider climbed to the roof of the house.

"The General? Well, if you can find it, use the flare gun to pinpoint the direction, I can direct some offensive magic in that area." Raizan offered.

"If that's the case, I should just head for the General when you guys are bombarding them." Sen's Strider move twice, or maybe thrice the speed of a standard mobile walker climbing the mountain at the side. The dexterous maneuvers of his controls proved extremely useful

"Sounds feasible enough for the moment, but they probably still rush into the village despite the lost of their commander." Raizan aimed his cannon at the slow moving army.

"May fate be with us then." Feng with no hesitation fired his first shell.