
As soon as the baby started training the Basic Qi Refining Technique, If one could see the whole universe as a whole, they would notice, albeit minutely that, as soon as the baby inhales, the universe contracts, as he exhales, the also universe expands.

It is like breathing alongside the baby.

Back towards the dilapidated and broken down house, within the living room.

As soon as he exhales, and tries to feel the qi in the atmosphere, what he felt instead of the supposed tiny spark of qi, was a boundless and majestic expanse of an essence, so deep, so profound, so...comforting.

It's like everywhere.

As per the Technique stated, get some of the qi and let it flow into the specific paths within the meridians of the baby.

But as soon as the baby did what the Technique stated, 'Wait? something feels wrong' he frowned.

After contemplating for a bit, he finally realized that something feels lacking.

He tried remembering the steps within the Basic Qi Refining Technique and tried to change the paths and steps according to his guts and instinct.

'The qi path should go here, instead of here...' he thought ' and the energy should be this wide in this specific path...' still frowning he continues ' wait, what about the places where the Qi won't go? hmmm'

2 hours later after altering, editing, and adapting the technique accordingly, the baby finally finished his contemplation, or if one in the cultivation world would say..."enlightenment"

'Wa waa~~ this should be good~ hehe~' a grin formed in his cute and soft babyface.

Unknowingly, altering and editing a refining technique requires the test of many individuals, for theories and application differ entirely. If someone alters a qi path differently without testing its credentials, the result may be the explosion of the meridians or the qi within, dealing serious injury to the body.

Then the baby started cultivating with his new Basic Qi Refining Technique, which not only covers the basic qi paths, like how the previous does, but now it encompasses the whole body, from head to toe, to blood, muscle, bone, veins, meridians, and even the brain.

Unknown to the baby, the altered training method also started nourishing his soul, as per what the baby intended, no parts left unattended.

Every single part of the body was covered, down to each and individual cell.

Alright, one might say, WHAT? How? what?

But! let us not question that for now.

As soon as the baby started inhaling, every pore in his body opened, every cell in his body trembled with excitement.

If one look closely, they would see that on the surface of the baby's skin, there is a majestic glow that can render one speechless, for it is the condense and higher form of qi, the essence qi! which should only be used by adepts(2), the next level to apprentices(1).

The essence qi which is above the skin of the baby, slowly filters itself, dividing the impurities spewing it outwards, while the pure and refined qi enters his pores, down within all of his the meridian, nourishing everything along the way, be it the blood, the muscle, the bone, the skin, the cell, and shockingly, even the soul! making them stronger, healthier, and tougher.

After one round, the baby stop and opened his eyes.

"Wuh?" He exclaimed, because of the pungent smell.

As soon as he sees his surroundings, he noticed that the already broken and dilapidated house became more rotten along with some black spots where the smell came from.

'What is this SMELL!!' He complained "Whargh!" He cried out silently.

After throwing his tantrums a bit, the baby calmed down and thought thoroughly, 'Maybe this is the effect of the Technique? but the uncles earlier didn't have this kind of effect...hmm'

'Okay let's try seeing what's happening' the baby thought.

Then he performed the Altered Basic Qi Refining Technique, with his eyes opened.

In cultivating a refining technique, one always close their eyes to maintain focus on oneself, one's body, to not be distracted, almost-- not almost, All the cultivators would have their eyes close when cultivating, except!

A specific baby.

When he saw the majestic glow above his skin he wondered, not shocked, nor feared, He Wondered.

Then he focused more deeply as to what is happening within those glows, then he noticed that the qi in the atmosphere would stop at his skin to be filtered, and the impurities would expel themselves from his body, towards the living room he is in.

'Ohhhhh, so that's the cause of the smell and the black spots on the living room' the baby realized.

Stopping his cultivation, he stood up.

'Eyy!' he happily thought, 'My body doesn't hurt anymore,'

"hehe" He laughed like any normal cute baby would...sadly his not.