
'Yuan, wait for me. I will come back again to you my love, I promise.' the man while slowly caressing my face, pulling it towards him, kissing me softly on my forehead, then he turned around, and slowly walk away disappearing into the horizon.

"Shi Yan Wait!-" she cried out, waking up while holding out her hand into the air trying to grasp for something.

She woke up looking around desperately hoping for that person in her dreams to have returned.

"Mwah??" A certain baby in her bosom tilted its head, asking 'what wrong ma?' In its eyes.

Then she looked at his only son, the remaining evidence of that man, that left her abruptly without any warning or anything.

"It's nothing my dear, you can sleep again" she smiled, while intimately kissing her sons' forehead while caressing his head.

"I love you." She whispered.

"Awouu too~" the baby grinned and happily closed his eyes, then went back to sleep, or did he?

After having that nightmare the mother, now is not in the mood for sleeping, looking at their poor and broken house she thought 'I miss you boo...please come back to me already...we need you...I need you' the mother silently wept holding back the tears that were about to fall out of her eyes....alas it failed, and it failed considerably hard.

Soon the bed, covered with neatly stacked clothes used as both the foam and the pillow will be wet with the tears of a woman, who misses her husband dearly.

Unbeknownst to her, the little critter that she thought was sleeping in her bosom was actually listening to gasps and weeps of his mother.

After drops and drops of tear fell, the grieving mother slowly calmed down.

Then she looked at the greatest treasure that was ever created by their love.

Caressing the baby's head while whispering "Mama will always love you my dear little shi'er. Mama will always do" after feeling that the tense up baby soon relaxed, she kissed its forehead and the baby now finally went to sleep.

'Hays' she sighs, looking at his only beloved son.

'I'm so lucky to have you my shi'er' the mother happily thought.

'Hmmmm...' the mother contemplated 'actually, I never saw my shi'er cried, except after his birth...' the mother seriously pondered, but when she remembered the time when she first held him in her arms, she smiled.

A smile full of love and happiness at seeing the newborn child, the fruits of their love. But then afterward, the smile broke as she remembered that after that day, she never saw her husband ever again.

'He disappeared so abruptly, he never even said goodbye...' tears now again slowly formed within her eyes 'No!' she exclaimed 'I've cried already, I'll save it for tomorrow.' then after that, they went to sleep soundly and comfortably again, like nothing happened.


The sun waking on the horizon, as the people within the village soon woke up too.

The mother and son duo, now awake, the mother stood up, went to their poor kitchen, heating up the water to drink, holding the cup with the warm water, the mother looked at his only son, who was still sleeping softly and comfortably above the bed.

5 months after his son's birth, she noticed something odd about the body of his son.

Looking at him, she thought 'why is my shi'er bigger than others? He almost looks like a 2-year-old now...' she pondered then smiled contently 'as long as he stays healthy, anything is fine' finishing her drink he called out to him.

The baby woke up sleepily while rubbing his cute and tiny little eyes, looking towards the familiar voice he heard since birth, he walked towards her while saying "Mhamaa~, Mhaha~" happily while holding out his arms.

Then the mother, received his son, and hugging him while patting his back, saying "Oh my little shi, knows how to walk now?..." she looked him in the eyes and pinched both of his cheeks and said while smiling "my little shi'er is so fat now, so fat and cute, hehehe" while squeezing and pinching that cute and chubby face.

While the baby's eyes were saying 'mother stahp, please, stahp~~' then he said, "whodp, whoadp" begging her mother to stop.

After their interaction, it's now time for the baby to eat, and we know that baby's' should be breastfed right?. *Omitted

After feeding her baby.

"Hahahaha, my little shi'er is so cute <3" a hearty and content laugh sprang out within the poor and broken house, and the mother and son duo continued playing.

After a while...

"I'll go now my little shi'er, i love you" then she kisses his forehead and went out, while the baby replied "Awoo bu too mama" happily.

The mother went towards a busy street full of vendors opening their businesses and into a noble's mansion, greeting the guard, and the fellow maids that she encountered, in the maids' quarter, where she started doing tons and tons of laundry for their meal. For both of their meal.

'Don't worry my shi'er mama will work hard for you okay?' She smiled while working enthusiastically for her only beloved son.


After her mother left, the baby stood up.

'hmmm, why is my voice different from mama?' he thought rubbing his chin with his childish fingers "Pyower~ Myather~" He spoke, 'Wha?'

Contemplating for a bit, he thought that 'maybe something is wrong with my voice, maybe it is not developed yet' then after a while he smiled 'well doesn't matter'

Then he went outside, to explore the vast and boundless world outside their poor and broken-down home.