That Is A Hunt

5 months after performing exercises and his altered Basic Qi Refining Technique daily, the previously pillow sized baby now turned into a 2 year old size kid.

How time flies~.

The cause of his growth would be because of the muscle build-up from doing strenuous exercises and performing the Qi technique afterward.

Thus nourishing and strengthening every part of the baby', making his body grow faster than most Regular kids.

As per what the baby is doing now, due to his 2-year-old size, this baby can now be considered as a kid... even though he's 5 months, nobody will realize. I swear.

Now he is walking towards the training grounds preparing for joining the training with the apprentices.

Yup, yup that is right.

Weirdly, the instructor did not mind someone joining their training, be it a woman, or kid, or even the elderly, as long as you persevere, endure, and strengthen yourself, he won't care.

"RUN YOU MAGGOTS! YOUR SLOWER THAN A F*CKING TURTLE!" He howled towards the trainees who start running around the training ground.

"JUMP! JUMP!! JUMP TOWARDS THE HEAVENS!! IF YOU CANT YOU'LL DIE!!" He howled again after seeing them laying on the ground exhausted after 200 rounds of sprinting.

Weirdly enough there was one who has not fallen yet, still standing while breathing calmly and rhythmically, and weirdly enough it is a kid, and weirdly enough that kid seems familiar, and weirdly enough that kid was also looking at him while smiling showing his 2 front row teeth.

'Wierd? hmmm, where did I meet this kid again?' He pondered, 'never mind.' turning towards the exhausted bodies laying on the ground.

"DO A PROPER HORSETANCE YOU INSECTS!! DO YOU WANT TO NOT SURVIVE IN THE BATTLEFIELD!" He howled again for the whole training grounds to hear.

The instructors logic was simple, first tire the body out till exhaustion until the body can't move anymore, then perform a qi refining technique to nourish the body, as there was a saying, 'to refine the body, use qi, to refine the qi, use the body.' Stamina and endurance are the key essentials in surviving on a battlefield. (As also in bed (if you know wha-)_


After the bab-- after the kid's harsh training in the morning of sprinting 200 laps, while doing 120 seconds of horse-stance performing punches alternatively, every lap around the training ground which spans, 100 meters square.

Although most failed in doing so, some succeeded, some only did 180, most of them did only 160. take note, all most of the participants in the training ground are soldiers, only a few are civilians trying to exercise among them.

The kid noticed some uncle walking on the road, carrying a deer in his left shoulder while a bow and a quiver on the other shoulder, looking at the instructor.

"What's up, Yang? Hows the weaklings these days?" The uncle smilingly greeted the instructor

"Still weak old Wang, not enough for the battlefield," the instructor said with disappointment in his eyes while looking at the trainees fallen to the ground "but some seeds might be good" looking at the only kid who was standing, closing his eyes and breathing calmly.

"Oh, a kid huh..," his eyebrows raised "hmm, interesting," he said, looking at the kid he went towards him.

"Hey kid, what your name?" He asked.

The bab- kid pointed at his throat and shook his head left and tight

"Is something wrong with your voice?" The man inquired.

The bab-- the kid nodded.

"Hahahahahah, anyways, want to learn how to hunt kid?" The man unconsciously, suggested, like some specific instructor tried to teach and explain everything he knew about cultivation.

Then the kid's eyes sparkled, looking at the dear in the uncle's shoulder, the baby thought 'with this, I can help mother, so she won't work so hard anymore.'

Lately, he's been noticing that every time his mother went home, although she was still smiling and feeding her, he would see deep exhaustion and fatigue at the corner of her eyes, seemingly hiding it from him, making her sickly countenance worst.

Then the kid nodded like a chicken pecking on the floor, agreeing with the uncle who he only just met.

"Hahaha! sure! let's go, follow me." Then the uncle went to the market along with the kid, to sell his catch (the dear), restocking his supplies like arrows, potions, ropes. and selling the medicinal herbs he found at the pharmacy.

All while the kid is watching, along the process the uncle said, "kid, to me being a hunter does not mean, just hunting an animal, being a hunter is a person who makes a profit in all of his hunts, whether a small or big, as long as there is a profit. That is a hunt! Hahaha" after explaining the man heartily laugh at his own great and profound words.

After obtaining the money from his hunt, he went to a nearby blacksmith in the market, and purchase a string, like a string in his bow, and a sharp knife, then he gave it to the kid.

"Kid, it's yours, remember, a hunter can survive anywhere as long as he has food, a knife, and a weapon for hunting." He patted the kid's head, "let's go, I'll teach you how to hunt" then he went to the east gate towards the forest along with a 2-year-old kid behind him.