
'What is archery?' a certain kid inside a poor and broken down house is contemplating about archery.

'hmm, a bow and arrow' he thought.

After their "successful" hunt, the duo returned, to the village empty-handed. Noticing the gloomy expressions they were making, while walking towards the training grounds, the instructor asked.

"What happened old Wan? Someone stole your kill?" the instructor asked as if preparing for revenge.

Old Wan looking at the instructor he said "What? No!... it's just this kid, *sigh never mind, I'll go home now, see you later" then he looked towards the kid "Kid, practice your archery, I don't want to be that to happen again, it's like we're wasting precious time" then he turned around and left.

"What happened kid?" the Instructor inquired, but the kid only glanced at him and left towards his home.

'hmm...what happened to those two?' the instructor wondered.


In the afternoon, the boy returned home pondering 'How did I miss that shot earlier? I did what those uncles didn't I?'

Arriving in the living room he sat down in a lotus position routinely, still perplexed about what happened 'hmm, what did I do wrong?'

Reminiscing about the experience, he tried to Identify which step he did wrong, 'Did I not hold the bow properly? Did I not pull it back enough?...' touching his soft and baby chin, he think thoroughly.

'What happened back there?' he stood up, doing the same thing he did except without a bow.

'Are my feet correct?' he asked himself until the sun sat down on the horizon.


At night when his mother returned carrying some meat, fruits, and vegetables, exhausted from work and yet happily greeted his only son, then her mother ate some dishes she cooked, and breastfed his son then they went to sleep.

After ensuring that his mother was asleep, the kid silently sneaked out from the bed and went to the training grounds.

At the training grounds, there were swords, shields, and bows with their arrows neatly piled up in the corner.

No one would steal these weapons, for they are only made out of wood, and only used for practice. If a person stabbed someone with these swords, then they may only bring themselves troubles, for first, stealing these weapons would provoke the wrath of the master-level demon(instructor), second, they only cause bruises for the edges are blunt.

The kid then went to the archery grounds, pick up a bow, nock an arrow, and shot it towards the target... or it should be supposed to be, but the arrow went 'Nope~' and went to another target to the left of his supposed target.

Perplexed by what happened, the kid, contemplated for a bit, then readjusted his stance, aim again, and shot!

At this time the arrow went to the outermost circle of the target.

Then, he contemplated again, readjusted his stance, nock an arrow, inhaled, then released along with his exhalation.

This time the arrow went straight towards the innermost circle of his target.

Seeing this, the kid smiled and laugh happily, although if one sees it from a different perspective, they would be horrified by the silent, and dark training ground, with a happy and soulful laugh of a baby.

Even if his body matured, he is still just a 5 months old baby, the body has developed but weirdly the vocal cords didn't. odd.

After celebrating of finally, at least shooting his target, he again nocked an arrow, readjusted his aim and stance, then released along with his breath.

This time, the arrow hit at the centermost point of the target.

He repeated the process, and


The arrow before was pierced through by the arrow he released.

Seeing what happened he repeated the process, and the results were the same, except for the force applied upon the arrow.

If one looked closely, every arrow pierced to the target has more depth than the previous arrow.

Then he asked himself 'Shouldn't it be faster?'

Then he practices the nocking and aiming and pulling, again and again.

At first, he would nock an arrow at 3 seconds.

Then at 1 second.

Then every second he can now fire 2

Then it went to 4,

to 8,

to 16,

to 32.

'Urghh!!' after doing the 32 per second arrow, which is extremely impossible, he noticed that his body, and his mind, is screaming with pain.

Looking at his hands, he noticed that they were bleeding, his right fingertips opened seeing the bone inside, while veins in his muscles are in the process of explosion and his orifices were bleeding.

Seeing what's happening in his body, the little kid shivered, tears slowly formed in his eyes, and then.

"ARGHH!!! ARRGHH!!! AAHHHAHAARGGG!!" he cried in agony and pain.

Then suddenly,

He stopped, cough a mouthful of blood, weakened and exhausted, physically and spiritually. He fainted in his own pool of blood.