Sparkles~ Sparkles (Info Dump!!)

At the same time, when Ye Shie started getting emotional, Xiao Rou who was beside, frowned with worry, after that night, hearing Ye Shie's sobbing for his parents and apologizing, Xiao Rou's heart also softened.

Looking at Ye Shie who was consoled by everyone, Xiao Rou, went closer, hesitantly she also wanted to console him, but after a moment of indecision, she backed away, only to observe.

After hearing Scholar Li's words, Ye Shie finally calmed down,

Seeing him, Both the City Lord and his wife bowed towards Scholar Li,

"Thank you Scholar Li for you words, please properly take care of them..." looking at their only mischievous daughter City Lord Xiao Bai continued "Punish them if necessary" smiling they walked away, doing their 'business'.

Seeing her father looking towards her, Xiao Rou promised herself to behave properly.

"Come sit here" Scholar Li ordered


With both Ye Shie and Xiao Rou sitting in front of Scholar Li, attentively listening.

"Okay, since this is the first time I met you kids, I need to gauze your knowledge first."

Scholar Li looked at Ye Shie

"Okay Kid, How much do you know about this world?"

Ye Shie, nervously replied "Uhm..." gritting his teeth he replied shyly "Sir, I only know the place where I came from, The South Autumn Village..." He looked down softly saying "I'm sorry"

Scholar Yi nodded, not minding Yi Shie's lacked of knowledge of the world.

'A country boy huh, but why did the city lord adopted him?...hmm, interesting' thinking he looked at Xiao Rou, urging her to answer the same question.

Her undeveloped chest proudly sticking out she answered proudly "Sir, The continent we resided on is the Azure Cloud Continent, and this continent has 3 major empires, namely, The Fang Empire of the south, The Meng Empire occupying north east, and the Ji Empire from the north west.

Each of these empires, consists of at least 30 kingdoms within, the Xiao City where we resided in, belongs to the Shen Zou Kingdom, the best 5th ranked city within it, along with countless 4th ranked cities, and 3rd to 1st ranked villages scattered around in it. while the highest tier city in the Shen Zou Kingdom, is the Royal City Shen Zou, a tier 7th Royal City."

Hearing Xiao Rou's explanation, Ye Shie eyes sparkled with awe, now knowing how boundless the world really is, 'I really am a frog in a well' he thought happily.

Scholar Li was about to praise Xiao Rou for answering magnificently, when

"Eh? Why are the cities and villages ranked? is there any explanation to that?" eyes still sparkling he asked at Xiao Rou.

Xiao Rou, who was about to mock Ye Shie and expecting the praise from Scholar Li, was stumped by the question Yi Shie inquired.

"Ah? Eh..." in truth she only know these things because her father and mother forced these knowledge to her, she also doesn't know the reasons behind the rankings too.

Helpless she looked at Scholar Li for answers.

Scholar Li was also shocked by curiosity and interest, for most the students he taught, they did not even wondered or bothered asking these kind of questions, they just absorb the information blandly, accepting it without further thought.

"Is it because of resources? or army strength?...hmm" mumbling with his hands fondling his chin.

"It's because of an individual." Scholar Li said abruptly, waking Yi Shie from his thoughts.

"Eh?" looking at Scholar Li dumbfounded he asked curiously "How? Isn't a single person to weak to singlehandedly handle an army?"

"Kid? Do you realize, how different one can be if he or she cultivates? Do you noticed, that that person can run faster, punch stronger, and carry heavy objects as if a feather?" Scholar Li, grinningly replied, amused by Ye Shie's curiosity.

Hearing these, Ye Shie's eyebrows raised, 'so that's why, even though my friends hides so much, I can still find them, and even though no matter how fast they run I can always tag that's why!!' realizing something, his eyes sparkled again.

"Now kid, what if I tell you, that 'That is only the beginning'" Noticing the spark of realization in his eyes Scholar Li continued " Cultivation has 2 known realms, the mortal realm and the heavenly realm"

The sparkling eyes, sparkled brighter.

"Ohhh!! What is it!?" Ye Shie asked excitedly.

Xiao Rou felt bitter taste in her mouth, when these two men ignored her, 'smiling gently' she said "Sir Li? so what's the rea-" she was about to speak when,

"The mortal realm is when;

A cultivator refines his body, cultivates, and refines qi to their purest state. When cultivators reaches the peak of mortal realm, they will then try to breakthrough to the next cultivation realm, The heavenly realm!" Scholar Li explained with passion, his eyes also showing hints of sparkles.

"Ohh!! Cool!!" eyes sparkling Ye Shie praised!

"Yes! very cool indeed!" Scholar Li agreed and continued "While the mortal realm focuses on the body, the heavenly realm focuses more on the soul, In this realm, cultivators, find ways to nourish, temper, and refine their souls, which enhances their senses, reaction speed, thought processing and also improves the body along the way."

Hearing this, Ye Shie's sparkling eyes brightened like a sun.

Seeing the two so indulge in their conversation, Xiao Rou pouted, annoyed at being ignored. For whenever she went, even though she is just a 10 year old, she always was the center of attraction, because of her status, and beauty, all would turn their heads towards her.

"Ohhh!!" Listening up to here, Yi Shie slowly calmed down, looking at the Scholar he asked "Uncle Li, so what that means is, a city, or village is ranked based on the power of an individual in it?"

"Yes and no, for instance, Xiao City is ranked 5th, while city lord Xiao Bai's cultivation level is at the king realm which is 6th"

"Huh? what's a King realm?" tilting his head, while frowning he asked

Hearing the question, Scholar Li face palmed 'I got too excited, this is embarrassing' waking up from the sparkles, Scholar Li calmed down and explained patiently to the confused Ye Shie.

"Listen Kid, In the Mortal Realm, a cultivator is ranked based on the kind of qi he can gather, and how much energy he can absorb, this is divided into Low, Middle, High, and Peak.

The first ranked in the Mortal Realm is the Apprentice Stage, in this stage, a normal individual will try his best to feel and absorb qi from the atmosphere, if that individual succeeded, then he or she can be considered a cultivator. This process would usually takes years of practice and training, with the special exceptions of those with talents and divine bodies."

"Divine Bodies? what are those?" Ye Shie asked

Smiling the Scholar answered "Divine Bodies, are bodies which are practically made for cultivation, they would have, easier time feeling and absorbing qi, and lesser time spending on breakthrough which would take, years and years of practice..."

Thinking for a bit he continued "It was reported that Fang Ma, the youngest prince of the Fang Empire, has a divine body, for at the age of 10, he already felt and started absorbing qi from the atmosphere, making him a world renounced genius, along with the Meng Zhai from the Meng empire and Ji Ken from the Ji Empire.

These geniuses are reported to be the best, the dragons among men, of the younger generation, If they don't die, then they will surely surpass anyone from their generation and reached the apex of cultivation."

Hearing that someone having the same age as them already started cultivation, both Ye Shie and Xiao Rou's reaction differ.

Xiao Rou's eyes showed glints, of fierce light of competitiveness, thinking 'Tschh!! Just you wait! I will surpass all of you bratty kids!'

While, Ye Shie's eyes showed tremendous shocks and horror, sweating he thought 'They started at the age of 10!?!!!, If they're dragons, then what am I?!!!!'

Scholar Li's intention of why he is telling them this information was to motivate them, seeing their reactions he smiled 'Good! work harder kids, and maybe you'll reach the apex of cultivation too'

Looking at the nervous and sweating Ye Shie Scholar Li thought 'Did I scare him too much? I hope he won't withdraw from cultivation, knowing that there is someone greater than him.'

Oh how wrong he is.