Apex of Mortal Realm

Ye Shie trembled inwards, but after looking at Xiao Rou he calmed down thinking 'Wait! Xiao Rou felt and absorbed the qi too! why is she not a renounced genius?' looking at her beautiful face with glints of fierceness in her eyes he thought 'I'll ask her later then' with that he looked at Scholar Li

"Uncle Li? What's next of the apprentice stage?"

Both Scholar Li and Xiao Rou woke up from their stupor, upon hearing the question he answered

"After a cultivator absorbed enough regular qi in his body, the cultivator will then try to purify the regular qi inside his body, to form essence qi, and also to fom a core.

Essence Qi is a higher type of Qi, that is thicker and purer than regular qi.

A core is the main storage of a cultivators Qi, it is resides in your dantian, below the navel.

When the Cultivator transform all the regular Qi into Essence Qi inside his body, That Cultivator will then reached the Adept Stage(2).

Adepts with their essence Qi, will start to refine their bone and muscle, in this stage, they will have stronger physique and strength."

"What!" Hearing Scholar Li's explanation Ye Shie couldn't help but exclaim in shock 'B-but...I already refined every part of my body...'

Hearing the shock from Ye Shie, which Scholar Li thought to be shock from awe, he continued

"Yes, After the adepts filled up their bodies with essence qi to the peak, they will start to breakthrough to the next level, and that is the Master Stage(3).

The Master Stage is when Peak Adepts transform their Essence Qi to Aura Qi.

A gaseous Qi that's like smoke, unlike the regular and essence qi which can only be felt but not seen, Aura Qi can be seen, and are more thicker and purer than the previous qi's

In this stage, the core inside the dantian will form a small whirlpool and will slowly grow according the level of the cultivator.

Masters also started refining their Veins and Meridians, making them stronger and sturdier in preparation for the next stage."

"Whoa~" Ye Shie finally calmed down, and accepted the truth of his cultivation, he exclaimed in awe.

"Mhmm, Afterwards, the same process, from Master to Grand Master(4)

Transform the Aura Qi to Liquid Qi, a thicker and purer Qi,

Refine the Organs of the body,

Nourish the Core, transforming the whirlpool into a denser and thicker whirlpool."

Scholar Li took a deep breath from explaining, looking at their hopeful and longing eyes he smiled, and continued.

"And now, the final Stage of the Mortal Realm,

The Expert Stage(5)

To breakthrough this stage, A Peak Grand Master has to make his Liquid Qi, Solid Qi.

Solid as in to influence physical objects,

The core inside of him has to transform from whirlpool, into a solid crystal.

And he has to start refining his brain.

When a Peak Grand Master does all of that, he finally entered the Expert Stage.

And that kids is the Mortal Realm" with that Scholar Li concluded the stages and levels in the mortal realm.

After hearing all of those, both Ye Shie and Xiao Rou daydreamed.

Running like the wind, obliterating boulders with their fists and kicks, defeating imaginary enemies.


After seeing them woke up from their day dream, Scholar Li said "Alright that's enough for today, you should properly digest all what I said earlier, and remember,

"A building can never reached the apex when its foundations are unstable"

So when you kids starts to cultivate remember, to take the process step by step, do not be hasty when it come to cultivation. Always establish a deep foundation." with that he stood up, leaving the two kids behind.


After Scholar Li left, Ye Shie asked Xiao Rou, "Little Rou-Rou? Uncle Li said earlier about those princes cultivated at 10 years old, but are already a world renounced genius. What about you?! You already felt and absorbed the Qi yesterday when I taught you?"

Xiao Rou hearing the question smiled, chest puffed up she said proudly boasted "Hmph! Who's your little Rou-Rou?!" She glared at him "I'm a genius alright, father just doesn't want to reveal my talent, if he did, I'd probably be famous by now! Hmph!"

"Eh? Why would uncle..." mumbled 'Hmm...does uncle wanted peace? hmm, okay.' "Ah nevermind, let eat, I'm hungry" not paying attention to boasting girl beside him, he stood up and went to the dining room.

Xiao Rou, who was happily boasting stood up, and glared at the indifferent Ye Shie, mumbling 'Just you wait, you stupid Ye Shie, I will prove to anyone that I'm the best'

Ye Shie at the door, stopped, turned around and said lazily "don't care, lets go~" with that he ran at full speed, feeling the thick terrifying intent from Xiao Rou.