
June 22, 2014 Morning time.

Beijing National University's Male Dormitory.

Hua Shu lying lazily over the bed in his dorm in that morning. Exam just finished yesterday so he has nothing to do today. His dorm mate already out to have breakfast. Usually, if he not study, he uses all his time to play games. No wonder he was well known as a gamer otaku. He feels bored because the last game he playing no longer attractive. He already has the rarest equipment and almost maxed out skill. Although not in the first rank, at least he still in the top 10 rank and Hua Shu is not a rank whore, who throw everything he had to be number one. So here he is, laying in the bed, strolling gamer forum in his phone, searching any new games or soon to be released game information. When suddenly his phone make a sound,

"DING" you have new mail.

His mailbox content mostly bulletin or news from many game sites. Sometimes he also received offers to become a beta tester for a new game. This new mail incites his excitement as he hurriedly opens the mail and read what written inside.


'Dear Mr. Hua Shu,

Due to our plan on releasing a brand new Virtual Reality Online Games from our company product, hereby we would like to invite Mr. Hua Shu to become a beta tester for our product before the product officially launched. For secrecy of this product, we can't give you any detail about the product. We need 100 people to be a beta tester, but only those who pass selection process will be recruited. If Mr. Hua Shu interested to become one of those beta testers, you can go and take selection process in our office which address in as mention below. The beta tester who managed to play until the testing periods ended will be granted some pocket money and privileges for exclusive game gears of the product.

The selection will be held at June 25, 2014, at 9.00 A.M in this following address :

ZO International Ltd.

Wan Jiang street no 131


Best Regard,

Ching Song

China Branch Manager ZO International Ltd'


After reading the invitation mail, Hua Shu's eyes glimmer brightly. Woa! Beta tester invitation for a new game. This exactly like give the pillow to sleepy people, come at the right time. Hua Shu's smile rose for ear to ear. Moreover, the mysterious feeling from the mail, enticing Hua Shu's curiosity. There's selection for a tester? Who scared! If the reward is so juicy, thigh selection also normal.

Suddenly from the corridor, the sound of people running can be heard faintly and its heading to his room, and not for too long, the door opened harshly.

"A Shu… A Shu! Wake up! There's good news!…. Oh? You wake up already?"

People who run in the corridor and open the door are his roommates. Ba Jing An, a student from Shichuan who take Business International course, Ray Mu Kui, a student from Hong Kong, majoring in Classic Literature and Jan Cox, an exchange student from Netherland, same course with Mu Kui. They actually some normal ordinary student, but after hanging around with Hua Shu they become contaminated with Hua Shu's game addict and became game otaku as well.

Jing An, the one who just speak, sees Hua Shu grinning while holding the phone, knows that Hua Shu already knew the news. And his prediction is correct when Hua Shu speaking,

"You guys talking about the invitation from ZO right?"

"Right! I guess I don't need to ask whether you interested or not because that obvious". Jing An pouting.

"Hahaha we are brothers in the game! Of course, we know each other better. Let's go together!".

"Hurraaahhhh!!" they shouted in unison and raise their hand in the air.