Selection (1)

June 25, 2014, ZO International Ltd. Office

In the big meeting room, there's around 200 peoples gathering, most of them are young boys around 20's to 30's although there are some teenager, girls and middle-aged men in insignificant numbers. Among those who gather there, including Hua Shu, Jing An, Mu Kui and Jan Cox. While waiting for the event to start, they discussing other participants there.

"Brother A Shu, look! There are so many game experts gathering here. The organizer seems to hold this event seriously". Jing An looking around with astonished face.

"I know, but half of these people will eliminate through selection thou". Hua Shu answers it with a calm tone.

"Look over there. It's Sui The Nan, the most veteran gamer, and over there Shou Pan, most respected gamer because he always helps newbie adapting in-game. Also there, Tong Kho Song, the Big Mouth, like to bragging but his skill just so-so, I wonder why he gets the invitation". Jing An still looking around, trying to recognize some faces.

"Pssstt…Lower your voice, he can hear you talking" Mu Kui try to calm down his friend.

"Nah, he sits quite far from us, he won't hear it. Damn, I only recognize some of them. Maybe because of my game insight still shallow. Brother Shu, you play longer than us, do you know all of them?" ask Jing An to Hua Shu.

"Of course I do. Who do you think I am?" said Hua Shu with the smug face.

Mu Kui and Jan Cox only can shake their heads with thinking the same word "Shameless!!!"

"Really bro? wow," Jing An staring Hua Shu with eyes full of admiration.

"You don't believe me? I'll tell you one by one their names. I start with that guy who eating cookies there, his name is Kong Guan, guy sit in his right is Ma Ling Lu, next guy's name is Cui Lan Xing, that girl wearing blue shirt name is Lin Tang, that bald old man name is Bo Tak, that guy name is Lun Pia, and ….."

"Enough bro enough …I believe you, I'm just like an ant in front of you" Jing An quickly stopping Hua Shu from mention names because of he afraid Hua Shu will really mention their name one by one.

Seeing this kind of talking, Mu Kui and Jan Cox only can shake their head and think the same word "Idiot!!!"

Meanwhile, a pretty lady wearing office suit step up to the platform and greeting the participants.

"Good morning everybody, ladies and gentlemen, My name is Xia Lan from ZO International Ltd., and in this joyful event I will act as your host.

On behalf of ZO International Ltd. I'll say, we really appreciate your coming in this beta tester selection, for those who failed in the selection, as a token of appreciation the company will give you red envelope contains $ 500 and will be handed on the way exit."

Hearing even those who failed in selection still got such sumptuous rewards, the air inside the meeting room suddenly become livelier.

"Attention please…attention" Xia Lan try to calm down the participant so she can continue to explain the event.

"First of all, we want you, all participants, to fill the questionnaire form that will be distributed by our staff after this. It's only about your personal information and a few questions about your health condition. The participant that already get the form can answer it directly"

Staff from ZO International Ltd. start to distribute the form and pens to the participant. For 15 to 30 minutes later all participant busy to fill the form and forget to talk with their friends. After the forms recollected, Xia Lan, continuing her duty as host.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as we informed before in your invitation, we only take 100 testers on this test, that means around half of all participant here will be dismissed through the selection process. Now I will announce the first selection process, that is….."

Xia Lan pausing her speech, and the participant anxiously waiting what will she said next.

"That is those who have weight over 75 kg is disqualified!"

"WHHAAAAATTTTTT!!!!!!!" participant roaring in disbelief, especially those who have fat stature is the loudest roaring.