Selection (2)

"Those who have weight over 75 kg is disqualified"

This sentence like a thunderstruck in participants' ears. What the hell! What connection between someone's weights with playing games? This just not makes senses at all.

An obese participant can't accept this and start questioning this rule. He stands up and raises his hand.

"Miss Xia, excuse me. Miss Xia, why can't those overweight peoples play this game? This is not fair!!"

" Yeah…Yeah" some fatty peoples voicing their support for this question.

Xia Lan chuckled hearing this question. With composed face she answer the question

"May I know your name sir?"

"My name is Kong Guan Miss Xia" said the fatty who raised the question"

"Alright Mr. Guan, I will clarified your statement. It is not overweight people can't play our games but overweight people can't be our beta tester games. That's a big difference. After the games released, all people can play, boys, girls, men, women, young, old, almost all can play. Only those underage peoples, can't play this game because this game will have PG (Parental Guide) rate. As for why overweight people can't be our beta tester, I'm sorry I can't give you the reason because this rules set by my superior. Is that clear?"

Kong Guan only nodded and back to seat, although he a little disappointed because failed to become beta tester, at least he still can play the game when it's released.

"If no other else want to ask, I will continue the selection process. You see in the right side of this meeting room, there are 2 doors. Behind those doors are medical examination room, You'll go in 5 each turn, right side is for girl's examination, left side is for boy's examination. Those who disqualified don't need this examination, you're allowed to leave this meeting room. While waiting your turn, participants who taking medical examination, can enjoy some snacks and refreshment that we provided in that corner. The purpose of this examination is to decide whether or not you have serious disease that needs regular medication, like diabetes. In short, those who had diseases are disqualified.

Commotions start to rise again in mass although not as loud as the first one. After people's weight now people's health? Are they tried to recruit military personnel or what?

Now a thin young boy with slight pale face stand and ask question,

"Miss Xia, my name is Cha Ching An, I want to ask why people with disease like diabetes can't be a tester?"

Still in a calm manner, Xia Lan answering that question.

"Mr. Cha right? Actually not only diabetic person who can't be a tester. People with weak heart, people with kidneys problem that need dialysis also can't be a tester. We require a healthy people on this beta testing, so I'm apologizing for that people which in unhealthy condition. We just try to avoid any unfavorable situation during the test"

"But…But what the reason?" Cha Ching An still stubbornly asking the reason. Probably he has disease that makes him illegible to become a tester.

"Like I said before, I'm not the one who set the rules. This is set by higher official in the company. Maybe if you willing to give a written statement that will not sue the company and released the company for any legal obligations if something bad happen to you during the test, we can consider this rule. These bad things could be injured, mental disorder, or even dead. How?"

Cha Ching An startled hearing the answer, Gosh! You got to be kidding me right? This test not takes place in Iraq or Syria right? How can a game make people die? Is this new game really can have such feat? Cha Ching An only stare Xia Lan with blank eyes, he don't know how to answer or ask anymore.

"I can say that our game genre is not some romantic adventures games. That's all I can say. If no one else asking question, we can start the medical examination now"

Xia Lan sweep the surrounding with her eyes, seeing that no participants asking question, they just whispering and discussing among them, then she step-down from the platform. Other staffs start to distribute queuing number to participant that will take medical examination.