Having Fun

Jing An will never miss such freebies like food and drinks that provided by the ZO International company. The next minutes after he enters the hall with Hua Shu, Mu Kui, and Jan Cox, he already stuffed his mouth with the snack that provided there.

Hua Shu only speechless watching his buddy attitude but he said nothing and follow him take some snacks while waiting for the announcement that will be released by ZO International Company

Jing An: "Bro…what do you think they will announce this time?"

Hua Shu: "Why you ask me? Do I look like ZO company employee?"

Mu Kui and Jan Cox only laughing when hearing Hua Shu reply.

Jing An: "You are the smartest among us bro…that's why I ask you"

Jing An praise make Hua Shu feel proud, with the smug face he answer Jing An question

Hua Shu: "Hohoho….if my guess is right, maybe they will start blocking communication by confiscated our phone. Well, it's not necessary thou…I already see my phone and I got no signal here"

Jing An: "Eh? Really…I haven't check my phone yet"

Hua Shu's buddies hurriedly check their phone and as Hua Shu said, they got no signal on their phone too.

Mu Kui: "Whoa…you're right bro. I also got no signal on my phone"

Jing An: "Me too"

Jan Cox: "Same here"

When they still wondering how their phone gets no signal, miss Xia Lan comes from the rear side of the hall with some company's staffs. She walks to the stage and start makes her speech there.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please, I have to announce important notice to you all"

All participants start to gather near the stage. Xia Lan continue her speech

"Thank you, since today the game testing will officially starting that means we must take all your communication and recording devices like cell phone and camcorder. Don't worry, we're not taking your things, it would be returned to you at the end of testing time. the testing will start after dusk, that means you have time to enjoy the facilities in here till your heart content until dusk. Of course, there will be pocket money that will be given to you when you handed your communication device in that submission desk over there. You dismissed now and should gather in here again at 5.30 p.m"

Xia Lan pointing the row of the desk that now had staff placed there.

There's no protesting voice from the participants. They already told about this before and acknowledge it. One by one participant line up in the submission desk to hand over their phone and recorder device if they carry it with them. Hua Shu and his buddies also line up and when they give their phone, they have given an envelope which contains their pocket money.

Jing An: "Bro..how much you get there?"

Jing An already opens his envelope and see a hundred dollar bills inside.

Hua Shu: "Same with you, a hundred bucks…do you think I will get more?"

Jing An: "Hahaha…just asking bro. Now, where are you going to spend that money?"

Hua Shu: "I want to check those stores first. If there's something caught my intention I will buy it"

Jing An: "I come with you bro"

Mu Kui and Jan Cox didn't have a different place to go and they also come along with Hua Shu. They leave the hall and start roaming along the stores in the compound. Although the compound located in a remote area, the stores there have many items to offers. From daily necessities like bread, drinks, soap, toothpaste etc. to electronic appliance like TV, computers, microwave, etc. Hua Shu and his buddies didn't buy anything from there because they already bring their personal belonging like clothes, bath utensils with them when they come here. They only flirting with the sales persons that work in those stores.

Finish doing window shopping, Hua Shu and his buddies going to the recreational area. There are arcade games which make them hurriedly enter that place. It's already crowded with other participants who playing the games provided there. The games collection provide there can be said in a complete collection, ranging from the old arcade games to VR games.

Hua Shu: "It seems my money will spend in here, how about you guys?"

Jing An: "Me too bro"

Hua Shu: "Alright! Let's have fun here"

So those 4 buddies spend their time having fun in arcade games, playing to their heart content until time reach 5.30 p.m when they should gather again in the hall.