Enter the testing ground

The tight security and advanced identification mechanism for entrance only for a game testing really suit the reputation of ZO International Ltd. which considered as one big multinational company and leading company in high tech technology. Even for a game, they put big concern about security matter.

Jing An: "Bro…is that eyes scanner there?"

Hua Shu: "Yup. It's eyes scanner that placed in the gate"

Jing An: "Wow, I only see that in movies only"

Hua Shu: "Now you see it directly and use it personally"

Jing An: "How they get our data to put into their database?"

Hua Shu: "Of course from the health check back there, remember? "

Mu Kui: "Right! Health check that likely to recruits soldier…now I understand why"

Hua Shu: "That's where they get our data, including our retina pattern to use on that eyes scanner"

Since it's already their turn to enter, Hua Shu and his friends one by one walk to identification mechanism, put their palm on the fingerprint scanner, put their face in eyes scanner then enter the gate that opens before them.

When they enter the gate, what lies in front of them is a large room full with supercomputer and servers which make their mouth wide open. The staffs there are busy with their works and pay no attention with the participants that just enter from the gate because glass partition separates them with the gate. Not to mention electronic door that only can be open with the ID card.

Jing An: "Whoa…is this the core of that new game?"

Hua Shu; "Most likely…"

Jing An: "Bro…where are the other participants? Why there're only some of us in here?"

Hua Shu looks around and as Jing An said, there only some participants that enter before them, their selves and some participants that enter after them. Hua Shu haven't answered the question when staff comes from the corridor and speak to them

Staff: "Game tester…please follows me"

They follow the staff which leads them to a big elevator at the end of the corridor.

Staff: "Please enter the elevator to the testing site. It can be loaded to 20 person in one go"

The participants, including Hua Shu and his buddies hurriedly enter the elevator since its capacity only 20 people. The staff must hold some people because the elevator already reaches its full capacity. Luckily Hua Shu and his buddies can enter the elevator together.

Staff: "Please wait for the next ride. It already reaches 20 people"

The unlucky participants that must wait only can see the elevator door slowly closed and the elevator slowly descends to the lower floor.

Jing An: "Bro…are we going underground?"

Hua Shu: "Can't you see the panel show downward?"

Jing An: "Ugh! It's almost like the game introduction before. The survivor take shelter on the underground base and rebuilt the civilization there while trying to reclaim the surface by eliminating those zombies"

Hua Shu: "Hahahaha….i thought in your head only full with pervert imagination bro Jing, what you just said is really surprising"

Mu Kui and Jan Cox also laugh when hear Hua Shu remarks which make Jing An pouting his mouth. Fortunately, the elevator already reaches its destination and the door open slowly. There're staffs that already waiting in front of the elevator door.

Staff: "Welcome to the testing ground. Let us guide you to your respective testing room. please follow me there"

They follow the staff along the narrow corridor until they reach a spacious room that has rows of room on the left and right.

Staff: "I believe you still carry the card with you, gentlemen? You can enter the room according to the number in your card"

The participants start to spread and looking for their respective room. Since Hua Shu and his buddies' room are adjacent to each other, they walk together to their room.