
POV: Hoga Yasahiro.

Date: 26th Nov – Wednesday.

Timeline: *right after Izumi's and Yasahiro's fight*

"Why did you punch Izumi-san, you bastard!? I never liked you in the first place!" a guy yelled at me while glaring holes into me.

To think I would go to such lengths when I'm annoyed …

"Are you okay, Hoga-san?" a girl asked with a worried face, the kid yelled at her, "why are you worried about this jerk, Hina!?"

The back of my hand hurts, I never punched someone this hard before…

"But he is bleeding," the girl said as she pointed toward me, the small guy rushed upstairs while yelling, "I don't care what happens to this guy!"

Is this how it feels when people get angry?

The girl leaned closer to me and said with a smile on her face, "don't worry about him, I'm glad you seem to be alright!" I glanced at Konomi-san's face that was filled with anger and I apologized, "I'm sorry for being loud."

She yelled at me, "at least apologize for fighting! I can't believe this!" and she went inside her apartment and slammed the door behind her.

She is mad… But I'm not jealous… I too can get angry.

"This is the first time I see her this mad!" the girl exclaimed looking at the door of Konomi-san's apartment, she glanced at me and asked, "why are you smiling?"

Smiling? I am?

"I wonder why," I mumbled staring at the floor, the girl giggled and told me, "but this is the first time, I see lovers fighting extremely like this, whatever the case it's better to make up soon!"

Lovers!? What the hell is she going on about?!

"What do you mean by that?" I asked her, she covered her mouth and whispered, "don't worry, Izumi-san already told me about it."

What the hell did that idiot say!?

"It's not like that, we're not like that," I corrected her, she frowned and asked, "eh? It's not?"


"Well, I still hope you two don't fight like this again, you only live once, don't waste your life fighting others," she said while heading upstairs.

Living only once, huh? If only that was true…

Suddenly, the girl screamed as she tripped on the stairs, "are you okay?" I asked as I extended my hand toward her, she grabbed my hand and as soon as I pulled her up, she removed her hand immediately and started breathing heavily.

"Are you alright?" I asked looking at her hand shaking, but the girl didn't say anything and only stared at me.

What is wrong with her?

The Girl: 'W-why would Izumi-san kill Hoga-san!?'

"H-how do you know about that?" I asked confused about the thought I read, but the girl stayed freaked out and shivering, I extended my hand toward her to shake her, but she backed off and yelled, "Stop! Don't touch me!"

The Girl: 'No, no, this is a mistake…'

She ran toward her apartment and slammed the door behind her.

Damn, did she see us!?

I rushed upstairs following her, and knocked on her door, "excuse me, I need to talk to you," I yelled as I rang the bell.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I picked it up and answered, "I'm busy right now, I'll get back to you later," and as I was about to hang up, from the other side a voice started talking, "we are from Juwan police station, do you know Isozaki Izumi?"

WHAT?! What have this idiot done now for him to be in a police station!? It hasn't been an hour yet since he left!

"No, I don't know him," I responded and from the other side, someone yelled, "you bastard! How can you not know me!?! Get your frigging butt over here!"

Ugh, he was around. Dammit, I guess I have to go.


POV: Isozaki Izumi.

Timeline: *after Yasahiro answered the phone. *

Damn, that bastard wanted to act like he didn't know me!?

"Your situation sure looks complicated, I told you to call someone you know, and you called someone who pretended that he didn't know you?" the detective said while bursting into laughter.

It wouldn't have been complicated if you didn't bring me here…

"Can't I just go?" I asked him with puppy eyes, "no way, I need to confirm where you got these injuries from first. Be thankful that we treated them for you."

"I didn't ask to be treated! Just let me go," I complained as I kicked the desk in front of me.

"Another troublesome case you got there, Junzo," the detective next to him told him as he smirked at me.

So, this jerk's name is Junzo.

"Shino! You came back?" Junzo said with a smile on his face, "did you find him?" he asked.

"No, I think that bastard left the city," the 'Shino' guy answered as he sat on a chair, "but didn't we say it was a prank? Let's just drop it, so troublesome," he complained.

If only they can drop my case too and let me go already.

"Well, this guy here is the guy that got killed," Junzo said pointing at me, "eh? Me?" I wondered with widened eyes.

That caught me by surprise! Were they talking about Nao's case!?

The 'Shino' guy fixed his posture and stared at me and asked worriedly, "don't tell me these injuries were caused by the guy that ran away!?"

"That's probably not the case, when I saw him last time in the hospital he didn't have them. And the guy has been missing ever since," Junzo answered him.

Did this guy take me in, knowing that I was lying about not knowing Nao?

"Why did you act like you believed me when I said I didn't know him?" I asked him but he looked my way and answered, "I thought you must've had your reasons for lying, I guessed it was because his sister was around but when you lied again when I saw you today, I got suspicious that you were hiding something."

This guy sure is sharp…

"What the hell have you done this time!?" Yasahiro yelled as he entered huffing.

Ugh, this bastard came… Well, I called him…

Junzo started laughing as he stared at Yasahiro's bruises, "why did you call the person you fought with!?" he asked me.

"Damn, because of you, I had to see this bastard's face again!" I yelled at the detective that was bursting into laughter.

Yasahiro grabbed my collar and yelled, "out of all the places, you have to make trouble in a police station?!" I slapped his hand away and complained, "this wouldn't have happened if you didn't meaninglessly fight me over nothing!"

"If you would have told the truth from the start, without having annoying thoughts I wouldn't have done that either!" Yasahiro yelled, I gritted my teeth and glared at him, and asked, "did you freaking pick a fight with me because of my thoughts!? What the hell, you bastard!?"

"Now, now, calm down," Junzo said and pointed at the chairs in front of his desk and continued talking, "sit there both of you."

We both sat on the chairs he pointed at, and he started asking, "you know Hisakawa Naoki, correct?"

"Why is that name being mentioned!?" Yasahiro yelled at me surprised by the sudden upbringing of Nao's name, "this detective is the one responsible for Nao's case," I explained.

Yasahiro leaned closer to the detective and asked him, "Izumi was a victim, no, a witness, may I ask why a detective is interrogating a witness?"

"I-interrogating? I'm only asking him few questions," Junzo answered with his smile breaking, "then I assume that we can refuse answering any questions? And I assume you have already told this idiot that fact already, right?" Yasahiro asked.

What is going on? Is this guy actually being useful?

"B-but answering the questions will help us close the case faster," Junzo stated nervously, Yasahiro got up and pulled my hand, "that does not concern us at all, it's your problem," he said and started heading outside pulling me behind him.

When we reached outside, I was taken back by how smoothly he handled the situation and told him, "you really are handy, that was awesome!"

Yasahiro turned around and yelled, "are you an idiot!? How can you get involved with police!? Don't you know that could have been dangerous if our ability got exposed!? Can't you use your brain a bit!?"

"Even I know that! but it can't be helped, he cuffed me before I could say anything," I yelled back at him, he scoffed and said, "too much for an idiot to handle."

"What was that, you jerk!?" I yelled as I landed a punch on his face.

Damn, my body moved by itself…

Before I could get back my stance, he punched me back and yelled, "I'm only asking you to be careful! If we get exposed, we would be lab rats in no time!"

Oh, shut the hell up!

I yelled, "stop bragging just because you handled this situation!"

He glared at me and yelled back, "you stop doing anything that might prevent me from finding a way to disable the abilities!"

Not like I have done this on purpose…

"Stop blaming me for everything! You're not the only one who suffered!" I yelled as I glared at him, he froze in his place and stared at me with confused eyes, "you… the thought wasn't yours…"

What is he going on about?

He started looking at his hands, mumbling, "I-its wasn't Izumi's thoughts…. That bastard played with me… Dammit."

Is his ability acting up?

"Are you alright?" I asked him, but he looked at me and bit his lower lip.

Is he feeling guilty?

"It's fine, you are in a way more pain than I am, I'm used to fighting so this doesn't even hurt," I said.

Why am I comforting the guy that hit me…?

"If you say so," he said as his poker face returned.

Did I just get played with, by this guy!?

"Now, let's go back inside," Yasahiro said as he pointed at the station, "what? Why?" I asked surprised by his statement.

"That detective, his thoughts seemed a bit off," he explained, I ran up to him and asked, "what did he think?"

"He was going to ask you, 'how did you return to life?' isn't it weird?" he answered.

"How is that weird? He is just wondering how even after Naoki killed me I'm still alive," I asked him, he looked at me and answered, "it's supposed to be, 'why didn't you die?' but that man was sure you died but managed to return, he is sure to know something."

"Do you think he might have an ability like us or he knows about us?" I asked him, "most likely or at least he knows someone like us," he answered.

After Nana we met this guy, then it won't be long till we find someone with a healing ability…

"You're back?" the 'Shino' guy exclaimed as he saw us enter the station, "where is the other guy?" Yasahiro asked him, "he got depressed because of you, he must be pouting in the back," he answered Yasahiro.

Pouting? Is he a kid!?

"Tell him, we'll be waiting in the café across the street, and in case he didn't accept, tell him that we might be the ones he is looking for," Yasahiro told the detective and started heading outside again.

I followed Yasahiro into the café and as we sat on a one of the tables, "do you think he will come?" I asked worried that we might get ignored.

"The girl in our apartment," Yasahiro said, "do you know her?" he asked me, I paused a bit and asked him, "do you mean Hina?"

"I think she saw us kill each other somewhere," he stated.


"Seriously?! Dude, that can't be it, where!?" I exclaimed unable to hide my surprise.

"He came," Yasahiro said as he looked at Junzo rushing across the street like a mad man, "why is he running like that!?" I laughed off, Yasahiro said, "he's probably panicking thinking we might leave."

Junzo quickly entered the café and headed toward us, "are you really…" he said as he started catching his breath, "are you really Veiners too!?"

Veiners? Where have I heard of that before?

"Is that what you call people with abilities?" Yasahiro asked him, Junzo nodded and took a seat, "we found out that's what we are called."

"By 'we' you mean you know someone else like us?" I asked him, and he nodded again and told us, "she's a doctor at Juwan Hospital."

A doctor!!? Then perhaps she has a healing ability?

"Let's introduce each other first," Yasahiro said and started stating, "I'm Hoga Yasahiro, 26, and my ability enable me to read thoughts of others."

Junzo widened his eyes and said, "so you are the Mind-Reader Veiner."

"You know about me?" Yasahiro asked, Junzo nodded and said, "I know all sixteen Veiners abilities."

There are sixteen!?

"Do you know where all sixteen of them are?!" I asked him, but he shook his head and answered, "I only know the doctor and myself, well, I guess I know you two as well now."

"You only know their abilities, not their identity?" Yasahiro asked him and he nodded confirming.

"I guess, it's my turn now, I'm Yabuta Junzo, 31, and I'm the Injury-Transferrer Veiner," Junzo stated.


"You mean you transfer injuries?" I asked, and he nodded confirming, "I'll demonstrate," he said.

He touched my shoulder and Yasahiro's shoulder, and suddenly, the aching of my lower lip vanished.

"Ouch," Yasahiro mumbled as he moved his hand on his lips.

No way, did he just give my injury to Yasahiro?! Awesome!!!

"Well, it's like this," Junzo said feeling guilty about Yasahiro's pain.

Wait a minute, can't he help Nao's sister with this!?

"Hey, Junzo!" I yelled at him, "can't you help us heal someone from lung cancer with your ability!?" I asked.

"C-cancer!? I can't! using my ability means that I'll heal someone but someone else will have to suffer instead of them," Junzo refused.

True, like how Yasahiro felt the pain in his lips, whoever we transfer the cancer to, will have to suffer as well… eh!?

"That's fine though!! Since I'm immortal!" I yelled at him, Junzo froze in his place and stared at me.

"W-What's wrong?" I asked him weirded out by his stare, Junzo mumbled, "so, you were the one, who will make my ability useful."

"Well, now that this is done with," Yasahiro interrupted breaking the mood, he asked, "with your ability how did you manage to figure all this information?"

Junzo shook his head and corrected Yasahiro, "it's not my ability! It's Mirai's ability."

Who cares about that now!? We can finally save Nao's sister!

"Let's go, Junzo, she's in Juwan Hospital," I urged him, Junzo nodded and said, "if it's cancer, it's better to heal it right away!"

Yasahiro interrupted again, "can't you tell us more about Veiners first?" I kicked the table and glared at Yasahiro, and told him, "this can wait till after we heal her, no?"

This heartless jerk, thinks only about himself.

"Then transfer it to me," Yasahiro offered.

Eh? Don't tell me he acted heartlessly, but he actually cared!?

"Since it might actually kill me," He mumbled.

Yeah, figured as much…

"So, you were who got the transfer of Izumi's ability?" Junzo asked Yasahiro with a disappointment look on his face as we got into a police car, Yasahiro nodded.

"What about your Mind-Reading? Did you transfer it to someone?" Junzo asked him, Yasahiro seemed puzzled and answered, "I probably have transferred it to a fish by mistake while experimenting…"

"WHAT!?" Junzo yelled.

Pfffft, idiot.