The Feeling Only Siblings Understand.

POV: Hisakawa Iori

Date: Ten years ago.

"Surprise!" everyone yelled as I opened the door and started popping balloons.

Today is my sixth birthday, my family gathered our relatives and invited my school friends organizing a surprise party for me, despite it not being surprising since I already knew of it from weeks ago.

"Wow! Everyone is here!? I didn't know!" I exclaimed faking my surprise, they all started hugging me and giving me gifts.

As I couldn't hold the urge to open the gifts in, I started tearing the covers, and opening them, one by one.

As I saw the newest game station, different dolls with their house and clothes attached and different type of toys, I was filled with happiness.

Today is really a great day.

Someone coughed behind me to catch my attention, I turned around and saw my brother, Naoki, smiling while handing me a sloppy wrapped gift with his face turning red.

Naoki, is my beloved older brother, he's shy and not good around people despite being older than me, but he always managed to get the courage to talk to me, he is my adorable older brother that I love so much.

"Did you also bring a present for me?" I confirmed with my hand extending to the gift, Naoki nodded with his ears turning red.

I quickly took the covering off, and under it was a jewelry box, I opened it to see a beautiful shining flower necklace, that had my name craved on it.

"Brother," I said while looking worryingly at Naoki, "this looks expensive, how did you manage to buy this?" I asked feeling guilty about taking this.

"I …" Naoki attempted to talk but he looked around and felt nervous, so he came closer to me and whispered, "I found a good paying part-time job."

"Naoki," I called his name filled with gratitude, and took the necklace and wore it around my neck, "how is it?" I asked Naoki, he answered, "beautiful," smiling my way.

Suddenly, I had an inquiry as I didn't see them around, "where is mom and dad?" I asked Naoki, he grinned at me and whispered excitedly in my ear, "they are bringing the biggest cake in the shop!"

The happiest day of my life was filled of laughter and people I love, but on this day, I lost two precious people in my life, they went to bring me cake and never came back, my parents got into a car accident on that day.

"Please identify the bodies," a huge man told me and Naoki as he pointed at the door in the hospital, I grabbed Naoki's shirt with my hands that continued to tremble, "Naoki… I'm scared…" I whispered behind him.

Naoki grabbed my hand and wore a shaky smile with tears rushing down his eyes as he assured me, "don't worry, it will be fine."

And seeing the shy, awkward brother of mine putting on a brave face for my sake, filled me with courage.

We both entered the room and two beds covered with white sheets appeared in our view, the huge man uncovered one of the beds revealing mom's face.

My body moved and grabbed the corner of the bed, as I started shaking the bed tears started rushing out of my eyes and my cries filled the room, "mom… mom… wake up…mommy…"

With the funeral starting, everyone gathered again, but instead of a party we threw a farewell tragedy.

"Poor siblings, who will take them in? They are still so young," adults mumbled around me and my brother, I pulled Naoki's shirt and asked him, "brother, what does 'take them in' mean?"

Naoki clenched his hand forming a fist and didn't answer me, he glared at the adults and declared, "I will take care of Iori."

But adults hugged Naoki and patted his back, they told him with kind-tender voice, "you sure have grown up, but let the adults handle this."

And eventually, our aunt took us in.

POV: Hisakawa Iori.

Date: Four Years Ago.

Timeline: *Before Iori and Naoki moved to Juwan City*

"Grow bigger and more beautiful~" I hummed as I patted the flowers in the garden next to our house.

Soon, Naoki will graduate I need them to be blooming when I give them to him.

"What are you doing here?" my aunt asked as she approached me from behind while hiccupping, "I was watering the flowers," I answered while smiling at her.

She swayed her hand and slapped me, "don't show that smile to me, how dare a brat like you remind me of my poor ugly sister!?" she yelled at me.

My aunt hated my mother, and since I looked a lot like my mom, she harbors bad feelings toward me.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that," I apologized looking on the floor to not let her see my face, she hit the back of my head and yelled, "don't give me pathetic excuses."

I closed my eyes and lowered my head and apologized again, "I'm sorry, please forgive me."

Auntie passed me by and went to the flowers I was looking at.

Is she planning on stepping on them!?

I quickly rushed and grabbed her leg, "please don't hurt them," I begged while clenching to her leg.

"How dare a dirty child like you touch me!" she yelled as she kicked my stomach.

Please, don't ruin them… they're for Naoki…

I silently kept grabbing her leg as she kept kicking me.

Suddenly, the sky started crying and the electricity blacked out, "what is this now!?" auntie yelled as she started heading inside to check the electricity.

Rain… the weather is really bad… I'll take them inside!

I quickly moved to get a pot from the storage and filled it with dirt before it got turned into mud and I placed the flowers carefully inside it.

I rushed inside while covering them with my clothes, as I got inside I saw auntie waiting for me at the front door.

She glared at me and looked at the flowers, "I thought they will die if I kept them outside," I explained while looking at the floor, so she won't see my face.

"Moving dirt into my house!?" she yelled as she threw her shoe toward me, "get that junk out of my face!" she yelled.

I moved outside again and crouched down and covered the flowers with my clothes, "don't worry, I won't let you die!" I encouraged the flowers.

From outside I could hear a conversation between auntie and Naoki, "Naoki, go buy me cigarettes," auntie requested, soon after the front door opened and from it rushed Naoki while holding a dark grey umbrella.

He has an exam tomorrow, if I knew she needed it, I would have gone instead…

"Come inside," auntie said as she approached me.

I can go inside!?

I happily followed her as she led the way into the living room, suddenly auntie stopped in front of me, and carried a metal bat in her hand.

"Auntie?" I called out for her as she seemed out of it, she turned and started approaching me, "don't call me with that irritating voice of yours!" she yelled.

She raised the bat upward, "auntie?" I called for her as I started shivering of fear, "please don't hit me," I pleaded while tears rushed out of my eyes.

"How arrogant! Are you ordering me right now!?" she yelled at me as she swayed it till it hit my shoulder.

I quickly crouched down trying to avoid another hit, but that backfired, and she started hitting my back.

She didn't stop and kept on hitting me over and over again in the same spot till it went numb.

"aunt, please stop," Naoki's voice mixed with my cries, and my aunt stopped hitting me, and went to her room.

Naoki brought a bag of ice and started putting it on the places she hit me on, with guilt filling his eyes.

I'm sorry, brother, for making you have this expression…

"The flowers didn't die in this weather, aren't they amazing?" I said trying to make him cheer up a bit.

I'm okay already, so please brother, smile for me…

"I'm sorry, Iori, I'm sorry… I shouldn't have gone out… I'm sorry," Naoki said as his tears started dropping down.

No, don't cry because of someone like me… I don't want to see you like this…

I moved my head sideways and tears of guilt started overflowing from my eyes.

I'm sorry, Naoki, I'm sorry you had to have me as your sister…

Naoki had changed so much over the last few years, he became stronger and stopped showing his weak, awkward side to anyone… and I know that it was because of me…

I promise you, I'll work hard so that you won't have to worry about me anymore…


Timeline: *after moving to Juwan City*

"She has lung cancer… it has already reached a late stage, there is nothing we can do about it at this point. You look young but for the following 4 years you should do what you want to do, with it spread this much at best you have only 4 years left," the doctor said while checking my test results.

It's over…

Everything is over…

Suddenly, Naoki slapped the doctor and started pulling me out of the room.



I always steal your smile away…

because of me…

you have to suffer again…

You… have to lose another person in your life…

No… this time… it will be different…

"Apologize," I ordered Naoki, he looked at me surprised by my tone.

This time … I will work hard and make a place where Naoki can smile, I am the only place he can smile in without forcing himself…

But… I already know the truth… I already know…

no matter how much I work, no matter what I do, I'll always be a burden to him…

Will I never be able to repay him?

Will I die without doing anything for him?

"I'm sorry, brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I cried as Naoki pulled me into a hug.

I'm sorry, Naoki… for always being a burden….

I'm sorry you had to have me as your sister…

"It's fine! I already have enough money to put you in the hospital right away, and I felt bored not going to part time jobs anymore, so this is just the perfect timing to get started again," Naoki stated as he patted my back.

"Don't worry, I'm sure, this will pass too! After you get better let's live in that big house you wanted!" He said as he got his face closer to mine.

No…. don't…





For the first time, I made my brother fake a smile for my sake, "just leave it to your brother!" he said while forcing himself to smile my way.

You have to fake a smile with me now too…

Why …

Am I not needed anymore?


POV: Isozaki Izumi.

Date: 26th Nov – Wednesday.

Timeline: *After Yasahiro and Izumi met Junzo*

"Quickly, hurry up!" I said rushing Junzo as we went inside Nao's sister's room, "I-Izumi-san?" she called surprised by the sudden visit.

"I told you, right? I'll come back with the greatest gift!" I smiled as I approached her, "is she here!!?!?" Junzo asked while catching his breath.

"How pathetic, how can a detective be tired after running so little?" I asked Junzo while glaring at him, "because my ability have a disadvantage, it gives me unbearable stomachache! Try running with that!" Junzo complained.

"Nice to meet you," Yasahiro said as he came closer to Nao's sister.

"W-who are these people, Izumi-san?" she asked me with a confused expression surfacing on her face.

"these are the people who will heal you!" I proudly announced.

"h-heal?" she asked confusedly, "you don't have to understand how, but we'll help you," Yasahiro told her.

I poked him and whispered, "can't you phrase it in a better way?" he looked at me and asked, "why?"

This hopeless rude jerk of a stone.

"Then, I'll start, excuse me," Junzo said as he touched her shoulder and Yasahiro's shoulder.

The paleness of her skin, started fading and returning to its original color, her expression seemed to have less pain as well.

"It doesn't hurt to breathe anymore," she said as she started tearing up, "I-Izumi-san… am I… am I healed?"

I shifted my eyes toward Junzo and he nodded, I turned my eyes toward her again and told her, "yeah… yeah, you are."

She put both of her hands over her mouth as tears started rushing out of her eyes, "Naoki… Naoki, I … I am alright now…thank you… thank you, Izumi-san" she said bowing her head.

"If you want to thank anyone, thank them, they are the ones who," I said as I remembered that if she is healed now, that would mean the cancer is now in Yasahiro's body!

I poked him and asked, "hey are you fine?"

"Yeah, it doesn't even hurt that much," he said as he inspected his body.

Eh? Really?

"Well, then, we'll be going now, make sure you rest, and I'll tell Naoki to come back!" I told her as me and Junzo started heading toward the door, "thank you, really thank you very much for giving me a chance to repay my brother," she said with tears still rushing out of her eyes.

I looked at Yasahiro who didn't move an inch and saw him struggling to stand up.

This guy… was he putting on a brave face!?

I rushed toward him and helped him up, "at least act strong till we leave the room," I scolded him.

As I started pulling him out of the room, Yasahiro collapsed on the floor.

Eh? No way, is he going to die now? And here!?

I inspected our surroundings and saw that a lot of people started gathering around us.

"Junzo, we can't let anyone see him, let's bail out," I said as I instructed Junzo.

He went to the other side and carried him up by the shoulder, "got it, let's go," he said, and we started pulling Yasahiro's body toward the elevator.

Again, this guy is dying again, because of something I decided.

He better wake up properly this time!

Yasahiro grabbed my shirt and mumbled, "d-don't forget to time my death, I need to know how much it takes to revive."

This guy really is hopeless.

"Got it," I reassured him, as we got outside we laid him down in the back seat of the patrol car.

Yasahiro started gasping and turning around, I thought that looking at a weakened Yasahiro like this would make me feel better, but my guilt is building up, I caused his death again.

"Yasahiro, I'll take it from you," I yelled at Yasahiro, he shook his head and said with pained voice, "if you die, the person who caused your death will die too, in this case it might be Junzo or that girl, or even me, it's the best option to have me dying instead."

Damn, I'm so useless… What is the use of immortality if I can't even die without considering killing other people?!

"I'm sorry, I made you have only death as an option again," I apologized feeling the guilt welling up inside of me.

Yasahiro started fixing his posture and sat down, he looked at me and said, "but if you want, there is something I wanted to try."

"What is it?" I asked as I leaned closer to him, "take the cancer and since it doesn't kill you right away, kill yourself before it kills you," he said with a faint voice.

That way, no one would have to die since I'm the one who killed myself! Brilliant!

"Let's try it out!" I yelled at him, he said, "if you are going to kill yourself we can't do it in the open like this so let's go back to the apartment."

We quickly got inside the car and Junzo rushed toward our apartment building.

"Let's carry him!" Junzo said as he parked the car, we both carried Yasahiro till we got inside my apartment.

As we got there, we laid him down on my bed and Junzo touched both of our shoulders transferring the cancer to me.

Hm? I don't feel that different?

"Are you sure you transferred it?" I asked Junzo and he nodded and Yasahiro suddenly, gained his strength back and got up from the bed, "you look like a zombie that just got revived," I jokingly laughed.

Suddenly, pain rushed in my chest making breathing hard.

I started coughing badly and blood started rushing out of my mouth.

Why did this happen to me and didn't happen to Yasahiro.

What the hell?

Yasahiro quickly rushed off and brought a knife from the kitchen, "slice your throat," he said while handing the knife to me.

"No way, that's painful, you jerk, pick a less painful way!" I demanded.

"Got it! I'll bring a rope!" He said excitedly, as he was about to leave the room I stopped him, "stop it, you bastard, I'll just die painful death instead."

"If you hang yourself up, it won't be as painful, and you'll die faster," Yasahiro tried to convince me.

You have to be frigging kidding me, I won't die in the same way as him…

I got up and grabbed the knife and stabbed my stomach with it, "gowd this hurts a lot!" I yelled.

"Did that Kenta guy hang himself up?" Yasahiro asked me with a sad expression surfacing on his face.

"Now you believe he died?!" I yelled at him, but I couldn't support myself anymore and got on my knees.

Shit, it hurts way more than I thought.

"I'll kill you," Yasahiro said as he approached me, "let's test this some other time," he suggested.

No, I don't want to cause people to die because of me anymore.

"It's not because of you," Yasahiro stated, "when you die a demon who call himself Kenta comes out and kills whoever killed you, so the one doing the killing is not you, but him," he explained.

Ken…Kenta comes out? Inside of me?

"As I thought, you really didn't know," Yasahiro said while frowning, "I'll ask him for you if he's your brother so let me kill you."

Kenta…might still be alive? Inside of me?

He might be alive…


This can't be…

Why isn't it possible?! I became a frigging immortal! He really might still be…

if it's really possible…

I want to meet him…


I have so much to tell you, I … if I can meet you one more time…

I quickly pulled the knife out of my stomach and sliced my throat.

This is better, if I die this time…

if I kill myself, he will come out…

I will be able to see him again…

And this time… for sure…