Unexplained Actions.

POV: Hoga Yasahiro.

Date: 26th Nov – Wednesday.

Timeline: *After Izumi killed himself*

It was only a moment before Izumi's thoughts ceased to exist after he slit his throat and blood rushed out dying the floor with unbearable red color.

This is…

At that moment it seemed as if Izumi chose death desperately to meet that demon.

"if I kill myself, he will come out…?" I questioned as I mumbled Izumi's dying thoughts.

At first, it was curiosity about the man that chose life over death in the place I chose to die in. But now the man that desperately hanged onto his life, threw it away without a second thought.

Every inch of me down to my bones was filled with questions searching for the reason of the change but it all eventually came down to one conclusion, it was Kenta's name, no, it was the possibility of him being alive.

If a person you miss, and can't forget turn out to be alive, you would easily kill yourself if it means meeting them? Why? Why did you do that?

"Just why did you kill yourself?" I asked the corpse of Izumi, despite knowing I won't get an answer back, "isn't it because you asked him?" a voice asked me back as it came closer to me.

I turned around to see Yabuta Junzo looking at me with confused eyes.

This guy was here, I nearly forgot.

"What should we do? Izumi has been like this for nearly ten minutes now, did he really die?" Junzo asked as he worryingly inspected Izumi's body.

Ten minutes!? I was deep in thoughts that I forgot to time him.

"But seeing how ten minutes passed and that thing didn't come out, it seems to be fine if Izumi kills himself," I said as I sighed a sigh of relief.

"that thing?" Junzo asked while frowning, I explained, "it's just something, no, someone, that comes out from Izumi's body every time he gets killed."

"Is it white with a really scary black eyes and long creepy hair?" Junzo asked with details, I looked at him surprised he knew the description of the demon, I praised him, "you sure know a lot about this, does that mean he is related to Veiners as well, like I suspected?"

"I don't know about that," Junzo nervously denied, "it's just that it's sitting on the couch over there," he explained while pointing at the living room.

WHAT!? Damn, I was too focus on Izumi's actions that I lost sense of reality!? I didn't see him come out!

"But who is that? he looks so creepy, that I just froze in my place and couldn't talk to him!" Junzo exclaimed.

I froze as well, when I saw him for the first time…

I quickly rushed out to the living room, and in my view, the demon appeared sitting on the couch with his legs crossed and reading a magazine.

"Interesting, your eyes are back in their place!?" he asked when I came in his view, "I should have squished them, so regretful," he mumbled in regret.

Ugh, he really did come out after all.

Did he kill someone!?

"But I'm still alive, and so is Junzo," I mumbled confusedly, "don't tell me you killed that girl!?" I asked him in a loud voice, but he only continued to flip through the pages without giving me a second glance.

Damn, so much for saving her.

"That girl? Did he kill someone!?" Junzo asked from behind me as he peeked at the demon.

"Hey, Junzo, what did this jerk do when he came out of Izumi's body?" I asked Junzo as I turned around to face him, "nothing much, he just stared at Izumi for a while then went and sat there," Junzo answered.

"Are you sure he didn't leave your sight for a moment?" I asked again to confirm, and Junzo nodded.

So, he didn't go and kill the girl? No, what if demons can teleport or something?

"Can't you read his thoughts and know?" Junzo asked with confused eyes as he looked at me.

Well, I want to do that too, but when I read that guy's thoughts my head aches…

I turned around and stared at the demon looking for answers in his thoughts,

Demon: 'interesting, they made a new shampoo brand!?'

What the hell? Is he genuinely reading the magazine? In the first place, why would demons care about shampoo!?

"How about it? did you read something?" Junzo whispered in my ears, I looked over at him and shook my head.

Would he even believe me if I tell him a demon was reading a shampoo advertisement!?

I shift my eyes toward the couch again to give reading his thoughts another shot, but I didn't find him sitting on the couch.

He vanished!? As I thought he can teleport!

"H-H-Hey…" Junzo mumbled in shivering voice.

Don't tell me he's going after him!? Have to warn him!

I turned around to give Junzo heads up to be careful, but as I turned around the demon's face was right next to mine, staring with his void black eyes at me.

I gulped as his creepy face caught me by surprise, he asked with high pitched voice, "did you just try to read my thoughts?"

I quickly took a step back and denied, "what are you talking about? I didn't do such a thing," he tiled his head and creeped closer, "it seems you are still underestimating me, did I not scare you enough last time? Should I kill you in a more interesting way?" he threatened.

"K-Kill?!" Junzo hesitantly asked.

This is weird, is he giving empty threats? I thought he can't kill anyone but the one who killed Izumi, was I mistaken?

He started laughing in a high-pitched voice, and exclaimed, "I don't mind killing your guest instead~"

Threatening with the life of a human who is not immortal, I thought that he can't kill anyone except people who killed Izumi, if by any chance I was mistaken, and he killed Junzo… but I also can't die now, I must inspect Izumi's body while he is reviving.

Looks like I have to buy time till Izumi revive.

I moved my body till Izumi's corpse came in my view, and I exclaimed trying to buy time, "but I was surprised that you can control Izumi's thoughts, that caught me off guard!"

This guy manipulated Izumi's thoughts to make me fight him. As I thought he really does know about my ability by now, and moreover, he used it against me.

"Are you trying to buy time?" he asked me with wide open eyes that sent shivers down my core.

Busted!? Damn, this guy… I thought this before, but he sure is sharp. I guess I can't really play tricks with him.

I really wanted to carefully inspect our reviving method this time, but I guess I can't do it now, I'll risk being killed for now.

"I give up," I said as I raised my hands up, "just make it quick and kill me," I continued.

"What are you saying!? Even if you are immortal, why should he kill you!?" Junzo scolded me while frowning.

The demon took a step toward me with his glare still focused on me, then stopped and closed his eyes and moved his dark lips sideways forming a smile, and said, "sadly, I am unable of doing that."

As I thought, he really can't kill me. Still, I'll make sure of it.

"What a sadist! Do you insist on killing me slowly and painfully? Fine, fine, let's just get it done with," I exclaimed as I came closer to him, he put his white hand on my shoulder and started squeezing it, he asked, "did you squeeze Izumi's shoulder like this?"

Why is he bringing up Izumi's name? But since he is so talkative this time, should I investigate their relationship more?

"You act like you are worried about him but," I complained to him, "If you didn't manipulate his thoughts, I wouldn't have done it."

"Worried?" he asked oblivious at what I'm getting at, and he corrected me, "I'm complaining to you, you should have used the chance I gave you and punched him till he died."

Till he died?! Is he trying to bluff?

He clicked his tongue, and complained, "I thought you were smart enough to handle killing Izumi, but I'm so disappointed."

He doesn't really seem to be bluffing, does he really want Izumi to die?

"find it," he ordered me, "find the way to disable Izumi's immortality," he explained.

He wants to kill him despite knowing he is immortal, does that really mean that there is a way to disable the abilities after all?

"If you handle that successfully, I'll grant you any wish you desire," he offered with a smile not leaving his white face.

Any wish? T-Then being normal, no, even dying would be possible? If I find a way to disable it.

"Don't do it!" Junzo yelled at me with worried eyes.

I quickly raised my hand and slapped my face, "I told you before," I said as my cheek started aching with pain, "I know better than doing a deal with a demon," I continued.

I nearly got pulled into his pace… but he said granting any wish? Can demons do that? either way, I should be grateful that Junzo was here…

"Too bad," he said as he started heading to Izumi's body, He stepped on Izumi's hand that was holding the knife, and mumbled, "one day for sure…" then went to the bed in the bedroom and lied on top of it.

He isn't going back to Izumi's body? As I thought this guy might be a Veiner like us and his ability made him like this somehow?

"Doesn't he sound like bad news?" Junzo mumbled from behind me.

He sure does… But Izumi is worse since he chose death to just meet this guy… the guy who wants to kill him.

"You said you know all abilities of Veiners, do you know anything about this guy?" I asked him, but he shook his head sideways and answered, "I don't remember hearing about any ability that's like this. Are you sure it's a Veiner?"

So, even this guy doesn't know, then is he a real demon not a Veiner?

On this day, I saw a really depressing relationship, Izumi was willing to die to meet him, but he used others to kill Izumi.

They both were lying down, one on a bed, another on the floor as he bled from his throat. And looking at them like that seemed like a mournful scene out of a tragic story.