
Those were the techniques he took from the bookshelves to the rendezvous point. He was the first to arrive. While he waited there, he saw people from other families or sects pass close to him, but aside from a small nod as an acknowledgment. They didn't really exchange any words.

After waiting for a few minutes. The others began arriving at the rendezvous point. And soon all ten representatives of the Violet Sky Family, as they had decided their family would be named forgoing their last name forever to be lost in the annals of history, had arrived.

After sharing the manual they had selected with the others, they all went through it. They argued a little about which technique they would purchase; in the end, they bought the [Teen thousand Jade Swords Make One Copper Sword art] this was a weapon heaven grade manual that would allow the cultivator to summon teen thousand jade swords to attack or defend. The teen thousand swords could fuse into a single heavenly copper sword, far stronger than the jade swords. Practitioners of this technique will awaken their sword intent.

[Soaring Heavenly Dragon spear art] This spear art created lightning that could attack or defend while also enhancing the cultivator's speed with momentum. Practitioners of this technique will awaken their spear intent.

[Fallen Weeping Willow movement art] is a movement art that follows the currents of the wind like a weeping willow; this technique allowed the practitioner to move at an explosive speed that created a weeping blade that could attack. The weeping blade was a wind blade that hollowed like a weeping willow; therefore, the name.

[Flourishing Blue Lotus movement art] is a movement art that creates flourishing blue lotuses wherever the practitioner steps; The blue lotus could be used for attack and defense.

[Defensive Divine Lotus art] is a defensive art that creates a pink energy lotus for protection; upon mastery of this technique, the practitioner can summon seven pink lotuses. The lotuses can be piled, fused, or in different places, as the lotuses would move according to the practitioner's mind.

[Great Sky Sundering Palm art] is an attack art that produces a palm strike capable of sundering the skies. The palm strike gathers surrounding Qi to boost its strength in a never-ending cycle; this meant that if faced against another technique of the same level, this one would continue to strengthen itself, and eventually overcome the other technique. The only form to stop this technique was to overpower it.

James said "purchase," while grabbing the heaven-grade manuals and they disappeared. Then he said, "Each of us has eight hundred thousand points. Remember, we need to choose not only for our benefit but for the benefit of our family. We need to see the bigger picture here. "

The representatives of the Violet sky family agreed with James. They all shared similar thoughts. Their family always had strong familial bonds, even if they didn't know each other until recently. They knew they shared the same blood, and that was enough to want benefits for the family.

Jack approached Damian as they descended to the third floor and said, "What will you buy?"

"I think most of my points will go to sky manuals with a few to earth and mortal manuals," replied Damian.

"mmm, why mortal manuals though? I'm sure family members won't use those." continued Jack.

"True, but those are not for them. These are for the future, I think. In time, people with a low talent for cultivation may live in the settlement; and they will be able to access these manuals. At the very least, being able to cultivate may allow them to carry out their duties easier and to live healthier lives. As for those with higher talent like medium or high spiritual roots that don't have the backing, we can hire them as guards with access to earth manuals; and if they prove themselves to sky manuals, this will ultimately maintain a positive opinion of the family as people with scarce resources will be able to climb the social ladder somewhat." said Damian.

"That Makes sense. How many manuals do you think you will need for that?" Jack inquired.

"Don't know maybe one hundred cultivation manuals, one hundred weapon manuals, one hundred movement manuals, one hundred defensive manuals, and one hundred miscellaneous manuals. so that's five Hundred manuals in total." Replied Damian.

"I see, well good luck with that. I, however, will buy some earth-grade manuals, also I'm quite interested in alchemy, so maybe some manuals for that too," said Jack. Then they arrived on the second floor.

Damian said, "good luck choosing brother" and continued his descent to the first floor. Once there, he went to the cultivation manuals and counted exactly one hundred of them. Without even opening the manuals to see their contents, then he said "purchase."

Damian then went to the weapon, attack, and defensive bookshelves and repeated the process. Once he finished, he looked at the other bookshelves with craftsmanship manuals for farming, herb gathering, blacksmith, alchemy, formations, tailors, and so on. He went over many names of those manuals and decided to increase the destined points to mortal manuals to seventy thousand. So he spent some time purchasing miscellaneous manuals.

After Damian finished with the mortal grade manuals on the first floor, Damian went upstairs to the second floor to select and purchase four hundred manuals, one hundred of each cultivation, weapon, attack, and defense.

Damian wasn't worried about the pagoda being left without techniques as on the second floor, there were still tens of thousands of manuals, if not more.

On the third floor, there were fewer books than on the second; still, it had tens of thousands of books without considering the books already purchased by others.

After the manuals Damian had purchased on the first and second floor; he still had left three hundred thirty thousand points, enough to buy thirty tree manuals in the sky realm or three in the heaven realm. However, Damian decided against heaven manuals as they had already chosen some and going for others could create friction with the rest of the council.

Damian went to the bookshelves containing the craftsmanship shelves and looked for the ones he thought would become a necessity in the future. First, he went to look at blacksmithing books. He noticed some books had already been taken, but he didn't know if they were taken by his family or other parties. Still, he decided to take some books related to this craft.