Entrance fee

Damian searched bookshelf after bookshelf of blacksmithing. In time, he had searched over a dozen of them, and he had yet to decide. The most appealing to him was a series of codices with in-depth information about the grades of accomplishment of blacksmithing; and what they needed to know to establish themselves at that level.

What caught Damian's attention was that the set of codices also contained a blacksmithing technique called [Svarog heavenly hammer] and each codex had the next step of the technique; the only downside to the technique as far as Damian could see was that it required at least a high spiritual root to cultivate the technique.

However, Damian wasn't that worried. He estimated his family should at the very least produce a few people with high spiritual roots or higher, interested in blacksmithing.

Damian grabbed the [Codex of the Blacksmith Apprentice by Svarog] a two-foot thick manual and said "purchase"

He then grabbed the two volumes two-foot thick of the [Codex of the Blacksmith Journeyman by Svarog] and said "purchase"

Damian went to the next codex, it divided into two volumes. Each volume was three-foot thick [Codex of the Blacksmith Expert by Svarog] "purchase" said Damian.

Finally, he grabbed the last codex he had purchased for blacksmithing, it was divided into three tomes each, a three-foot thick monstrosity [Codex of the Blacksmith Artisan by Svarog]

Damian muttered to himself, "I think that's enough for blacksmithing from what I could gather from the Codex. The Artisan realm could produce weapons up to the top mortal phase," while a small satisfied smile crept to his face.

The young man then went towards something he always had imagined himself learning if he ever transmigrated into a xianxia world. Of course, this would still benefit the family as a whole. However, this was his chance to forge a path as an inscriptionist. In his opinion, an often ignored path in the novels he read, but he thought differently.

They could create talismans imbued with techniques, as well as inscribe spiritual weapons to forge special spiritual trinkets and some spiritual artifacts. This was also why he had purchased the blacksmithing codices. That way, the family could produce talented inscriptionists. Inscriptionists were complementary to the work of a blacksmith producing stronger weapons. This could give an edge to the Violet Sky family.

A smile crept over Damian's face. He searched the inscriptionist manuals for what felt like hours. True enough, even here, it seemed the inscriptionist's craftmanship wasn't as valued. There were far fewer manuals than for any of the other crafts; even farming and herb gathering had more manuals. Still, he continued to read each description of the manuals. He found the manuals for inscriptionists were not quite as thick as the codex for blacksmithing. The [Codex of the Artisan Inscriptionist] was only a single volume, although it was three-foot thick.

Damian bought the guide for the inscriptionist craft from Apprentice through Artisan and the inscription technique [Divine Inscription art]. The inscriptionist codex didn't have a technique to inscribe like the codex for blacksmithing, which disappointed Damian at first; but the inscription technique he had selected was, in his opinion, only subpar by a little to the [Svarog Heavenly Hammer art]

Damian had completed the purchases for craftsmanship. He still had enough points to buy twenty sky manuals, so he in swift succession selected fifteen techniques between cultivation, attack, defense, and weapons.

"Now then, the last five techniques I should get something special and that will give an edge to myself, and perhaps the family," thought Damian.

Damian searched once more for hours for something that matched his criteria. He preferred something that allowed one to heal fast from wounds; even if cultivators could even restore missing limbs with enough time and resources. He wanted something that, although not in direct battle, could prove helpful.

After all his research, he only found two techniques that were not combat-oriented that picked his interest. One being [The forest restores the tree manual], a technique that, upon mastery, allowed him to heal wounds with Qi in the surroundings in a passive manner. It also provided resistance against poisons, and could even deal with most poisons by just circulating the technique.

This technique would allow Damian to come out on top in case of a fight with a tied opponent, or recover faster in continuous fights. The other technique to catch his attention was [A Drop In An Ocean art] this technique allowed the user to refract light to make them one with the surroundings, making them invisible to sigh and Qi perception. Upon mastery could even make attacks invisible.

As for the remaining three manuals Damian had yet to choose, he continued searching and finally choose the manuals.

[Sight Through Beast] that technique allowed a person to see what a beast sees.

[Ten Thousand Rain Drops Strengthens The Mind art] this manual enhanced mental strength and perception.

[Qi sundering] this technique created a seal in the target, suppressing its cultivation up to three realms. With it, one could suppress a cultivator all the way from Qi condensation to Nascent Soul; an excellent technique to practice against lower leveled cultivators and to subject unruly cultivators.

After Damian finished, he went to the rendezvous point on the fourth floor. He noticed he was the last of the representatives of their family.

As soon as he arrived, the violet sky members were in front of an avatar of Tian Long.

"You have selected the techniques that will become the backbone of your clan. Now then, as I mentioned before, you need to establish the requirements for joining your settlement. The people outside the nine families and six sects will have to choose if they want to join a faction or create their own on unclaimed land," said Tian Long.

"Tian Long, we hope to request ten earth or three sky techniques per family in order for them to join., we seek no monarchy nor dictatorship; but a mutual agreement that can benefit all of us. Therefore, we will designate a mayor and a council of four members of the four great clans. The mayor is to be rotated every twenty years. Of course, our Violet Sky clan will be one of them. We will decide the other three based on the contribution made to join our faction," said James.