The time for battle comes

One more day passed, and finally, the undead army could now be seen marching from the horizon. The adventurers, knights, mages, archers, and normal foot soldiers were feeling a bit unnerved by the sight. Even though the undead army was so far away the people on the walls of Grenton, could still see the massive army that looks like an ocean of undead. If that wasn't intimidating enough the ground was actually shaking from the march of the undead. You could even hear the clanking of their armor as the slowly approached the town of Grenton.

Seeing that sight coupled with the other factors made some of the adventurers shiver in fear as they started to flee from their positions. The knights who would usually say something scornful, seeing this shameless act couldn't say anything. In truth, they felt a bit jealous that the adventurers could flee. If they did the same thing only death without honor awaited them.