Defending Grenton

The undead army was finally upon them, which unnerved most of those that were there to defend Grenton. As the humans readied themselves for what's to come without any signal, the undead army charged at them. 

The footmen responded to this act by charging at the undead as well. "No don't charge yet!" Someone shouted but none of the footmen could hear it. The fear and their resolve to protect their families had clouded their judgment which pushed them forward. 

When the two sides clashed, it was obvious that the more well equipped skeletal warriors had the upper hand. Not only were they better equipped but they also had superior numbers. The enemy forces used one of humanity's greatest tactics in the age of chaos the human wave attack. 

If that wasn't bad enough every time one of the footmen dies, the elder lich that was leisurely watching at the back would turn the dead footmen into his minions. So every time one footman dies they were turned into enemy forces.