Fallen Nobles join the fight

Hilda with her group of adventurers charged towards the undead mages. Even though they were a bit scared the adventurers that stayed were veterans and were not strangers to the stench of death. In fact, it was better that only adventurers with C rank and above remained since they were useful. If any adventurer below C rank stayed they would've only added to the undead army's forces. 

The undead mages seeing the approaching adventurers shifted their attention to them. Hilda was quick to react as she shouted at the adventurers. 

"TURTLE FORMATION!" The adventurers that held shields formed a shield wall while the mages created mana barriers surrounding them. The barrage of spells couldn't break through the adventurers' formation, and once Hilda and the others got close they would quickly dispatch the undead mage and incinerate the bones so they couldn't be revived.