Edge sharing a bit of his memories

After talking to Edge about what was happening, it turns out Tsukiyomi and Tanith were also a part of Rei Kuraki's group and these two had followed Edge's soul for two incarnations. The two alongside all of Rei's comrades have ceased to exist or that's what they all thought until they saw Ren's birthmarks. 

Ren still couldn't fully understand what was happening, so Edge decided to share some of his memories with Ren. 


Ren was watching a scene unfold in Edge's point of view when he was ten years old. 

I spent too much on that spider. Still... I went and picked up my longsword. "I am not going down without a struggle!" I screamed as loud as I can. This was a message of defiance against my fate.

As I was readying myself for my final struggle I heard a voice. It echoed throughout the area I was in.