I cannot allow this

After talking to his past incarnations regarding some other things, Ren finally opened his eyes and saw Silika staring at him. It's been a while since he has seen her which made Ren smile a bit. 

"Silika how are you?" 

"Very well master now that I've seen you." Ren couldn't see beyond the veil but he felt like Silika was smiling at him. 

"I feel better seeing you as well... Hey, Silika, before I forget Leo told me to tell you something." 

Silika was surprised to hear Leo's name come out of Ren's mouth. That surprise only lasted for a short while since Silika knew that Leo and Ren were basically the same person. 

"Leo said that the promise can only be fulfilled if you put in the effort." When Silika heard those words she couldn't help but giggle.