Teach me

Kretos was only able to gather a little bit of information regarding the other schools and races that were joining the tournament. Still, that was good enough for now. 

He learned that aside from humans, elves specifically wood elves, and moon elves were coming. Even some fairies were joining in the mix. Kretos didn't know what these beings were, so he needed Afeus to explain it to him. 

"The elves are an ancient race that were said to be humans that have merged with nature. They have rather long ears, are tall, and have beautiful facial features. These are the basic features all elves have, but there are different types of elves. The Ancient elves, the wood elves, the moon elves, the dark elves, and the high elves."

Kretos remained quiet as he continued to listen to Afeus talk. Seeing how engrossed Kretos was in his lecture made Afeus feel a tad excited, as this was the first time somebody was actually listening attentively to what he was saying.