Trying to teach

When Kretos heard what Afeus said he looked confused. 'What does this guy want me to teach him?... Also....'

"Who the heck is your master?! Is your head actually working properly?" Kretos looked at Afeus dumbfounded. He couldn't understand why this boy in front of him was acting this way. Didn't he just show him a simple spell, why did he suddenly call him master? 

"You are the master I wish to learn from. You might not have your old memories, but I'm convinced that you were an amazing commander that could use arcane magic." Afeus excitedly spoke. 

"Huh? Why do you want to learn from me? Was the magic I use special somehow.? That was just a simple concentrated ball of mana." The moment Afeus heard what Kretos said he quickly bowed his head again, this time it was an even deeper bow.