Attending Namimori Middle School

In the middle of my morning routine, when I was brushing my teeth, I noticed something strange in the mirror. I shrieked like a girl and punched the mirror with the might of zues instinctively when I noticed that someone else was in the mirror.

"I...I... Is that.... me?"

I mumbled to myself in disbelief. After making a few funny faces to see if it really was me, I stood there petrified.

"It really is me..."

"The system should be more clear about these things, I almost got a heart attack".

Standing in the mirror as a pretty boy with blonde hair and blue eyes was oddly creepy. As I was wondering why I looked like this, a message popped up.

I replied to that with an extremely monotonous "oh".

I didn't like the system patronising me, but it was my fault so I tried brush it off.

After finishing my morning routine. I sat down in front of the dressing table and began to think about random things. As I was thinking about why the system displayed so many sadistic tendencies, I thought suddenly shot through my mind.

"Even if you possess eidetic memory, the best ability for observers, it will not amount to anything If the person possessing it is incompetent."

This thought had dealt a humongous blow to my self esteem which made me depressed for a while.

While I was deep in thought, the system sent me a voice message. Curious, I opened it.

" Why did I open it.....?"

The message that the system sent me was an alarm.


I hated the sound of alarms. There's a certain thing about them that can drive anyone insane. As I was frantically looking for a way to turn it off, I found a message from the system that said that I was going to be late to school if I didn't leave and that the alarm won't stop until I leave which had given me more than enough incentive to leave.

While I was walking to my new school, I wondered as to how I knew the way there even though this is my first day in this world.

Hearing the reason had stopped the voices and cleared the doubts in my head for the time being which was extremely relaxing.

Apparently, the distance between my current house and the school is really short. It's about a 5 mins walk to school even if I waddle my way there.

When I was passing through the school gate, a bizarre shout resounded throughout the school.


As I looked to see where it came from, I noticed a student wearing nothing but boxers in front of a girl who just shrieked like I did in the morning.Which was followed by her running away into school out of embarrassment. This was definitely not something that happens everyday in middle school. Everyone who witnessed the event was either whispering to their friends or laughing hard enough to get an aneurysm.


After realising that it was indeed him, I facepalmed so hard that I was starting to look like Aang from the last airbender. The scene had brought back extremely bad memories from my previous life. So I helped him out by covering him with my coat. After that weird incident, he was looking at me as if I was an angel. That made me feel extremely uncomfortable so I just walked into school like nothing had happened.

The procedures to enter the school went very well as the system dealt with everything and all I had to do was show my face. Everything went smooth except for the teachers giving me the stinkeye for coming to school in improper attire. I was quickly transferred to class 2-A.

I was quite nervous as this would be my first proper interaction with people from this world. When I reached the class with my home room teacher, the class went from sounding like a wet market to an operating room.

The teacher then said

"Alright class!

We have a new student with us today from Italy!

Everyone please give him a round of applause!"

After that, he gave him a chalk to write my name on the board. As I wrote "Zen" on the board, I could feel everyone staring holes in me. I overheard some of them saying "this guys looks like he can compete with Hibari!"

After the introduction, I was assigned a seat. Surprisingly, the person who was sitting next to me was none other than Sawada Tsunayoshi. I wondered if that was a coincidence or the systems doing but sat down without any expressions on my face.

I noticed him giving me a few anxious glances but I didn't say anything about it.

At that exact moment, a message appeared.

[Task Completed!]

[1] successfully integrate into Namimori middle school

Reward : 10 EXP, +5 EXP [title effects]

After the message, I could feel a sudden surge of indescribable power flowing through my body which seemed to be improving my overall strength.

[Congratulations! You have now reached level 2!]

This definitely improved my mood.

Cross - Traveler System (Anime)

Traveler #3492

Number of Travels : 1

Current World : "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!"

Name : Zen

Gender : Male

Current Age : 14

Level : 2

EXP : 5/20

Title : Traveler from another world (+50% EXP until level 10)


HP : 12/12

STR : 5

INT : 7

DEX : 6

VIT : 5

LUK - ??? (Unable to determine)

Available Stats Points : 5

Elements : ???

Abilities : Eidetic memory, Expert Learning Mastery

Equipment : Nothing as of now

Techniques : Nothing as of now

Inventory : World Package "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!"

Current Task : [1/3] Finished