*During lesson*
It was almost as if Tsuna had a physically visible aura of anxiety around him. A single glance at him is enough to tell you how nervous he was, with his legs and arms trembling constantly. I caught him glancing in my direction a few times. Looking at me with admiration and fear. He was definitely intimidated by my presence even though I helped him earlier.
Clearly, interacting with him should be impossible today.
The lessons went by very smoothly for me. Even though many teachers tried to target me, I was able to answer all of their questions with ease. They probably couldn't think of the possibility that one of their students was a college student in honor roll from another world with eidetic memory. I guess that would be stupid to even think about in a normal world. But still, who knew that the things that were being taught in school would actually come in handy like this.
As I solved questions that even teachers found difficult with ease, I could hear some girls in the back whispering to each other about how I have both looks and brains, which made me feel good for a while.
This certainly made an impression on my class and teachers since they stared in amazement of my academic capabilities.
During recess, I was instantly flooded by my curious classmates who seemed to have a million questions for me which unfortunately led to Tsuna being pushed away by everyone.
It took me quite a while to respond to all of them.
However, all the questions stopped as soon as one of them mentioned about the Tsuna incident that happened earlier this morning. I've never seen that many people mocking one person at the same time in my life, or should I say lives, before.
The boy who started this nonsense seemed to be thriving off the attention and started shouting
"Hey look, it's underpants man!"
"Nice sudden confession to Sasagawa!"
"Please go out with me!"
"Of course she shot him down! Right Sasagawa?"
The entire class followed suit besides the girls who just looked at him in disgust.
His thoughts were all over his face. He just put his head down on his table out of embarrassment.
"Hey Tsuna! Captain Mochida said that he'll be waiting for you behind the gym to settle this incident."
"He also mentioned something about how he wouldn't forgive anyone who would even dare to make Sasagawa cry. He seems livid."
Kyoko was then profusely teased by her friends about how the captain of the kendo club would do something like this for her.
Tsuna looked as if he just saw a ghost when he said that. I instinctively knew that I had to do something to make sure he fights Mochida since the system loves throwing me curveball. But still, how am I gonna befriend him. I looked at him again to try and approach him about this but he was looking even worse than before. The anxiety is probably overwhelming him right now.
I said "Giving up before a fight is definitely something you should forget about if you want Sasagawa's impression of you to improve. Giving your all and losing is better than not giving your all and losing. At least with the first way, the school will start seeing you in a different light and they might even stop calling you "No-good Tsuna" all the time. " in an attempt to motivate him.
" I certainly agree with this young man" said someone from a distance who sounded awfully like a baby. When I looked around to see where it was coming from, I saw a baby in a suit standing on the window ledge. When I looked closer, I remembered that there was super powered baby in this show. The deuteragonist whose identity was Reborn.
Reborn then told Tsuna "Even if you're beaten to a pulp, a man who accepts a challenge is definitely cooler, just like what this young man said.The memory of the man who fought for his life with all of his heart will last forever."
"Reborn..... Zen....."
It seemed like the motivating speech worked. His eyes lit up with determination when he said "Thank you so much for the the advice! I will definitely accept Captain Mochida's challenge and prove my worth to everyone!"
After he said this, he went to the back to the gym to show everyone that their messing with the wrong person.
After he left, Reborn looked at me and gave me a nod before saying "ciao ciao" and leaving through the same window he came from.
A message from the system resounded in my head then.
[Task Completed!]
[2]Befriendthe Main Protagonist Sawada Tsunayoshi
Reward : + 20 EXP , +10 EXP [Title Effects]
[3] Ensure that Sawada Tsunayoshi participates in the kendo match with Kensuke Mochida [COMPULSORY]
Reward : + 50 EXP , + 25 EXP [Title Effects]
BONUS : Finish all 3 Task
Reward : +100 EXP , + 50 EXP [Title Effects]
I could feel body getting lighter and hotter. When I tried moving around, I was twice as fast then before. My head felt extremely clear. There were no signs of fatigue.
[Congratulation User have reached Level 3!]
[Congratulation User have reached Level 4!]
It seems like having the conversation with Tsuna has definitely given him courage! But , Reborn also played a part in this and contributed quite a lot . I should thank him the next time I see him.
Cross - Traveler System (Anime)
Traveler #3492
Number of Travels : 1
Current World : "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!"
Name : Zen
Gender : Male
Current Age : 14
Level : 4
EXP : 110 / 200
Title : Traveler from another world (+50% EXP until level 10)
HP : 16/16
STR : 5
INT : 7
DEX : 6
VIT : 5
LUK - ??? (Unable to determine)
Available Stats Points : 15
Elements : ???
Abilities : Eidetic memory
Expert Learning Mastery
Equipment : Nothing as of now
Techniques : Nothing as of now
Inventory : World Package "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!"
Current Task : [3/3] Finished