Sect extermination(2/2)

The battlefield was in chaos. The Patriarch was soloing the 3 Elite War Generals in the sky while the High Elders tried to protect the disciples while fending against the imperial army.

Although the imperial army only had 3 Core Formation upper stage cultivators, they still held an advantage due to their overwhelming numbers and a large percentage of the troops were at Qi Formation upper stage.

After the initial clash, the 5 Elders suffered grievous injuries and 3 of them succumbed to their injuries. However, this does meant that the imperial army was completely unharmed. The imperial army lost one third of their Qi Formation upper stage soldiers.

Upon seeing the death of their comrades and Elders, both sides broke off all restraint and rushed forward, putting their lives on the line.

"Die!" One of the disciples fired off a flaming fireball at close range, blasting off several soldiers' heads at once. However, in that same instance, several sharp silver swords pierced through his chest, causing him to cough out a mouthful of blood. After that, his body slumped onto the floor with his eyes wide opened.

"Brother! AHHH..." Another disciple unleashed a killing frenzy after witnessing the death of his blood brother. With both swords in his hands, he weaved in and out of the battlefield, with heads toppling down wherever he passed by.

But alas. He was still put down in the end by a Core Formation lower stage commander. The soldiers were all people with cultivation so how could they be easy pushovers.

Lin Fan glanced in the direction of the High Elders. He saw that each High Elder was dealing with around 10 Qi Formation upper stage soldiers, rendering them unable to protect the disciples.

Lin Fan closed his eyes and instantly, an aura of dominance swept over the battlefield, carrying traces of Qi with it. Some unlucky soldiers were hit by the Qi and coughed out a few mouthful of blood. It was the aura of a Core Formation lower stage! An extremely powerful one at that.

A few days ago, Lin Fan broke through to the Core Formation lower stage during his Qi training, which resulted in an overall increased in power.

"Human Sword Unity," Lin Fan softly said and a sword appeared in his original position, his body was nowhere to be seen.

Exuding an unstoppable aura, the dazzling sword shot towards the battlefield.

Several miserable shrieks and cries could be heard throughout the battlefield, sending a chill down everyone's spine. A sword could be seen piercing through several soldiers at once like butter and its speed was unfathomable, at least to the Qi Formation upper stage.


"Holy Soul!" Patriarch Wei shouted as a golden light beam shot towards the 3 Elite War Generals. The force was so immense that even the battle beneath them was affected.

The 3 Elite War Generals slashed back without a tinge of hesitation, repelling the pressure, for they knew that if they were to be hit by it, even a spirit ranked armor couldn't save them. However, the 3 of them still spit out quite a mouthful of blood.

The secret skill costed most of Patriarch Wei's Qi and he knew that he could only use that move one last time before the Qi in his body runs out.

All of a sudden, his eyes widened when he took a quick check on the situation on the ground. 'Lin Fan, that idiot!' For a second, he was so shock that he froze.

Not letting go of this Godsend chance, Elite War General Yi slashed out with his Qi Devouring Chain and it wrapped around the arms of the Patriarch.

When Patriarch Wei came back to his senses, he could feel that his Qi was draining rapidly. The situation was dire.

When Patriarch Wei was still struggling against the restrictions of the chains, an incomparably sharp sword sliced towards his back, where his defense was the weakest.

Unfortunately, the Patriarch could not block it in time and thus, he tightened his back muscles to embrace the pain. However, a second passed and he still did not feel any pain.

Gradually, he turned around and the scene before he stunned him tremendously. High Elder Qin was standing behind the Patriarch with crimson red blood flowing out of the tip of the sword that had pierced through his abdomen.

Grimacing, High Elder Qin softly said, "Patriarch, I will be going first. Take care!" With that, he took out a black ball and slammed it into his chest. The black ball exploded with 3 ring of fires, lighting up the whole battlefield and destroying the Sword of Piercing Ghouls in the process.

"Miniature 3 Rings Bomb!!! My sword!" Elite War General San exclaimed in desperation as his beloved sword that he painstakingly created over countless years was utterly destroyed in just a second.


The void started to tear apart, which caused several air ripples to form. The Qi coming from Patriarch Wei exploded violently, causing the chains to break. Patriarch Wei had finally gone berserk after witnessing the death of his old friend.

When they were still in their youths, they met each other while exploring the mysteries of the world and from then on, they became life and death buddies.

"ARGHHH! DIE! DIE! DIE!" Patriarch Wei blindly swung his fist towards the 3 Elite War Generals, which they evaded it easily.

"Hmph! Looks like the old fool has gone crazy! I'm going to make my move," Elite War General Er licked her lips in anticipation as she stared at the blood trickling out of Patriarch Wei's pores.

Soon enough, blood started to flow out of his skin, causing Patriarch Wei to look like an enraged blood demon. Elite War General Er blinked and instantly reappeared right next to the Patriarch. In that moment, her eyes constricted as she felt an immense sense of danger.

"Impossible..." were the last word she muttered before her head burst with a golden light, causing fresh blood to shower down. Patriarch Wei gave a maniac laugh before pummeling down towards the earth. He had saved his last 'Holy Soul' for this chance and his body was currently void of Qi.

"Now!" The 2 remaining Elite War Generals recovered from their stupor and immediately chase after the Patriarch.


Although their treasures were destroyed, they still have some Profound ranked swords with them, which they used it to stabbed the unconscious Patriarch in the vitals. Immediately, the life force of the Patriarch disappeared as his lifeless body that was filled with swords slumped onto the battlefield.

"..." Both sides immediately stopped their fighting and looked at the lifeless Patriarch. For the imperial army, this was the moment they had all been waiting for while for the disciples of the sect, sadness, sorrow and fear overwhelmed them, including Lin Fan.

"There, there. You all should stand still and let us kill you guys," Elite War General Yi nonchalantly said. With a swift slicing motion, he cut off the head of the nearest sect disciple.

"For the Patriarch!" The remaining High Elders exploded with fury as they dashed towards Elite War General Yi. However, they were intercepted by hundreds of imperial soldiers and had no choice but to stop and attacked.

Eventually, the High Elders were overwhelmed by the sheer amount of imperial soldiers and one by one, they followed the Patriarch into the afterlife. As for the disciples, their morale was low that some even knelt onto the floor, silently awaiting their deaths.

"Bunch of cowards!" Upon seeing the scene, Lin Fan could not help but feel infuriated. He believed that no matter what, as a man, one should not give up even if they could not win. Instantly, he turned into a silver sword and shot towards Elite War General Yi.

"Oh? Human Sword Unity? Interesting indeed. Soldiers, stop him!" Elite War General Yi was amused.

"Argh..." Several soldiers poured in their Qi and formed a defensive barrier. However, in the face of 'Human Sword Unity', it was all futile. The silver sword pierced through the barrier and continued to pierce towards the general.

"Hmph ant! You are still too weak!" Elite War General Yi reached out and grabbed the sword with his bare hands. No matter how much the silver sword struggle, it could not the grasp of a Core Formation upper stage cultivator.

Crush! The general's fist tightened and the silver sword shattered in an instant. What remained in his grasp was a struggling Lin Fan.

As he watched Lin Fan struggled, he slowly tightened his fist around Lin Fan's neck, causing Lin Fan to choke.

With his fingers, he accurately pierced Lin Fan in the eye, resulting in the formation of 2 bloody holes.

"AH...AHHH!!!" The pain was so intense that Lin Fan let out a hoarse scream with tears flowing down his blood stained face.

Crack! Lin Fan stopped moving after the sound, his neck twisted in a weird manner.

"Hehehe! Where's your scream brat! How dare you fight me! You ant!! HAHAHA! ANT!" Elite War General Yi roared hysterically, with his hair swaying in the wind. He looked like a madman. No. He is a madman.

"Kill! Leave no survivors!" Elite War General San took charge and gave the command. The imperial soldiers obeyed and a one-sided massacre soon ensued. In just a few minutes, the massacre of the Righteous Sword sect was finally completed.

The blood from the aftermath of the battle formed puddles on the stone floor, which eventually merged into a small river. Bodies were strewn all over the place, some died without a head, while some died with their eyes till wide opened. The scene was incredibly gory.

On the bloody battlefield, a black mist could be seen slowly rising up from underneath a large rubble.