
A black figure supported himself up by leaning against a large boulder. His movements were unsteady, he was slowly fading away.

In front of him was a large horde of One-horned Devil. One-horned Devil resembled the shape of a human figure, however, their skin was blood red with strong visible muscles, representing their incredible physique. On their head was a large black horn, this represented the amount of strength they have. Similarly, Two-horned Devil which had 2 horns had a much higher strength.

'T-this is the 10th wave already... Is the wave endless?' Shadow thought to himself as he gazed warily at the horde of Devils. For the past 9 waves, he fought with the 'Hidden Dark Swords' and 'Dark Qi Barrier', which almost drained his Dark Qi completely.

The last thing he could remember was fainting after reading the secret skill, after that, he woke up in this desert-like place with waves of Devils coming after him. 'I wonder how long I took. Brother Lin must be worried, I have to hurry!'

Shadow quickly resumed his fighting stance and circulated his Dark Qi. It was then did he realize that only a minuscule amount of Dark Qi was left in his mist-like body.

'Against Devils... against Devils... Hmm? Holy... Soul? Was it?' In the midst of his troubles, he suddenly thought of the secret skill back then. Trying his best to recall the details of the secret skill, Shadow exerted all of his energy into comprehending the nature of 'Holy Soul'.



Exterminate all evil!

In just a short period of time, Shadow grasped the essence of 'Holy Soul' and with what little amount of Dark Qi he had left, he used it all up to execute the 'Holy Soul'.

A dazzling beam of golden light shot forth into the horde of Devils, completely annihilating them, not even a piece of their ashes were left behind. This was simply to domineering!

Soon, the dreamscape started to distort and cracks began to form all over. The cracks then broke into billions of shards which eventually disappeared. However, before Shadow was forced out of the dreamscape, a golden core shot into his body and unbeknownst to him, it merged with his mist-like body and dissolved into golden strands of mist.


As the final strand of black mist floated into Shadow. Shadow regained his consciousness and opened his eyes, which contained flashes of golden color.

"..." Shadow stood there for a while before his legs gave way and his body slumped onto the ground in shock. Bloody corpses filled every inch of the land, even a detached hand could be seen lying on one side. In the middle of the sea of corpses stood a figure. No. The figure was pierced through by a long spear, which hold the figure up.

Shadow's head was in turmoil. He had no idea what happened or why was he feeling like this. Slowly, he stood up and stumbled towards the figure on the spear.

"T-the battle... We lost? But, why is it like this?" Shadow remembered the battle Lin Fan spoke of before and wondered by this seemed more like a massacre.

"Brother Lin? BROTHER LIN?! WAKE UP! Wh-what happened?" When Shadow walked closer towards the figure, he recognized that the figure belonged to Lin Fan, which caused a searing pain in his heart.

He quickly took Lin Fan down from the spear and laid Lin Fan on the blood stained ground.

"Y-your eyes!? Brother Lin!! TELL ME WHO DID THIS! WHO?!" When Shadow had a clear glimpse of his dear brother Lin, he noticed 2 hollow bloody spots which once contained the eyes. However, no matter how much he shouted or hit, Lin Fan had no signs of waking up.

At this moment, Shadow knew that Lin Fan was long dead.

Shadow slowly hugged Lin Fan into his chest and tilted his head towards the sky.

Somehow, black-colored tears were flowing down his face which dripped onto Lin Fan's tattered shirt.

"AHHHH!!!" Shadow gave a bone-chilling howl into the setting sun, his heart was filled with grief, pain and hatred. It was the first time that he felt this much...pain. 'So.much.pain...'

"Hahaha... You said don't worry. You'll be back. Where are you now?" Shadow softly said in a daze

After the expressing all his emotions, Shadow solemnly dug a grave for Lin Fan and every single sect disciples, and knelt in front of their graves for 3 days straight.

After the mourning period, Shadow happened to recall that Lin Fan said to look under the third tree if something happened. Immediately, Shadow glided towards the third tree and dug beneath it.

Inside, was an envelope and a cosmic ring. Shadow steadily opened the envelope and discovered letter.

It read: To my cold little brother. If you are reading this, then it means that I'm no longer in this world. Don't be sad, don't cry, real man shed blood but not tears, stay strong! Anyways, there are a few things inside the cosmic ring-there are 10,000 spirit stones, a black colored robe, a map of this Mortal world and a few Dark Qi Pills. Remember, do not seek revenge. The enemy is someone you cannot offend. You have to get stronger and stay safe. ~Your most awesome brother.

Drip! Drip! Tears rolled down Shadow's face but it immediately stopped. 'no tears, no tears...'

Shadow imbued his Dark Qi into the cosmic ring to activate it and after that, he placed the letter into the cosmic ring. At the same time, he took out the black robe.

Don in a black robe, Shadow gave one last glance at Lin Fan's tombstone before heading off into the distance. His eyes shinning with a cold glint and a faint golden light.

'I will avenge you guys!'